Monday, 22 February 2016

SIFAR Presents - Voice of Underprivileged Gender with MRA Vitesh Aggarwal

Neither Society or LAW makers had liberated Men from their Protectors and Providers role , but increased their burden by making multiple Unfair laws where any disputes Men vs Women the man had been termed as Rapist, molesters or wife beaters .

Today even men are not safe in Traffic light crossing, any Tina or Mina can term you molester and prominent Media without any shame will declare guilty even before without hear your concern.
Help Line for abused/distressed Men ( SIF - One) : +91-8882498498 .

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Purush Mange Insaf ( Men Seek Justice) Presented by JM News

A on line News - JM News had released the series of 3 episode on : Purush Mange Insaf ( Men Seek Justice).

Time to #StopAbuseMen as Men are Human Too.

Purush mange insaaf – Part One – J M News 
अन्य • पुरुषयुग Purush mange insaaf – Part One 19 hours ago by Anup Kumar Add Comment 1,016 Views Tweet Cause Jai Hind Maithili News jm news J M Ne...
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Purush Mange Insaaf part-02 – J M News 
अन्य • पुरुषयुग • युवा शक्ति Purush Mange Insaaf part-02 19 hours ago by Anup Kumar Add Comment 1,022 Views Tweet Jai Hind Maithili News jmnews Purush ...
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  • Must Watch and Share to all. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

International Men's Day message by Sonali Kulkarni !!

At a time when maximum Bollywood actor’s still prefer to keep their silence or mum on the fear for being get termed as anti-women, but not afraid an Indian Actress Ms. Sonali Kulkarni.

In her personnel messages she recognize the effort, sacrifice men do in their life and appeal to give some margin to men too, as they also need some space.

She says: “Men are not from Mars, they are from Earth ,which even organizations like UN (United nation) failed to understand. She clearly able to understand , how our Boys  burdened , even before to get right to Vote.They have to start work to earn bread and butter for their family"
School drop outs of Boys are increasing, Sexual abuse of Boys found more than 53%  , but our Women and Child Ministry never shown any concern for such poor boys welfare .

Neither Society or LAW makers had liberated Men from their Protectors and Providers role , but increased their burden by making multiple Unfair laws where any disputes Men vs Women the man had been termed as Rapist, molesters or wife beaters .

Today even men are not safe in Traffic light crossing, any Tina or Mina can term you molester and prominent Media without any shame will declare guilty even before without hear your concern.

In 2007, when I first associated to celebrate the Idea of Men’s day in India in big way, a honest confession today, had discussed the same with many Media Journalist, but maximum Men Journalist even refused to discuss and blindly said it’s #MensWorld and there is no place of a Day to recornise .  The self-less effort, sacrifice of common men does for family, society to be taken as Granted only .

But there was some Women Journalist like Ms. Veenu Snadhu of HT , Vineeta Pandey of DNA who called Us and try to understand why we need to celebrate the International Men’s Day. They made some front page articles and encourage many of us to take the cause to masses and since then no looking back.

Today large number of  men as well as Women Journalist, actors, actress, Sports person , common men , social activist , young girls and boys feeling happy to know that in our history such a day is celebrated .

Every year more and more country and Organizations Coming forward to support the same and toady all are saying : Respect Men, Men are Human too in their own innovative way .

This year we even witness in Twitter Hash tag like #WearBlue , #ShowMenSomeLove on the eve of International Men’s day the women had outnumbered in tweet than men .

Almost all FM radio station all over India whole day wishes Happy Men’s day to their listeners.

Victim of Murder, Suicide, and Accident in every country men outnumbered women by 2 to 3 times, still Misandric UN prefer to sleep and ignore the issues men faced in their every day life.

But who cares, UN recognize or not today many men and women understand the need of #MensDay19Nov as Men are Human too.

God had given enough Power to both Men as well Women to destroy each others or Love each other, but when both compliment each others the world became wonderful and when they try to compete against each others , the world get destroys .

So, Choice available with you . Wants to Show Men some Love with respect or keep abuse them and promote male hater !!

History grantee, what ever you will choice love or hate, in return you will get the same with interest, 100% grantee.

Respect Men , Men are Human too !!


Tuesday, 17 November 2015

#RIPManujGupta - We lost a brave MRA in Car accident Yesterday !

#RIPManujGupta - We Lost a Brave MRA in Car Accident !!

It is very painful to share that our greatest MRA, Manuj Gupta (Founder, DAMAN) and Ex-Moderator of SIF Yahoo Group left us Yesterday Night.

Anupam Dubey was also in same car which met with accident on Yamuna Express Way. Anupam is OK, but suffering in great Shock , under doctor observations ( Wish get well soon )

Manuj who coined the word via registering the NGO called DAMan (“The Man”), when come to our SIF group, was with full of fire, high passion and with Lot of dreams.

Within months taken responsibility of SIF moderator role and started weekly meeting in Kanpur, multiple events to create awareness in society. Some time he used to be very cute, some time with full of emotion!!

Many fear less activity he done, like Protest in front of Parliament without any fear, facing Biased Judges in Court, threat form Gonads and Police during his fake cases, but he prefer to fight back than surrender to Legal Terrorism and  won DV case, never got arrested in 498A and End MCD with Zero Money .

The one of biggest achievements in High court when his wife asked to transfer all cases to her home town, every one told it will be difficult to fight such cases as Judges transfer the cases to Wife city without seeing the merit, but he prefers to represent by self than hire advocate.

Judge asked where your advocate is and do you know law?

He replied: “My lord, to say truth there is no need to know law, to say lie one need to know law and advocate. Kill me here itself and hand over my body to my parents , but will not able go to  Home town of my wife  to fight case , as my BIL is a Gunda and he will kill me and throw my body in some un-known place , which even my parents will not be see my dead body . So better you kill than my BIL kill me, at least my Parents will not be deprived to see my Dead Body!”

He won the case on merit, but it shows the confidence and fearless he was.
Witness his many media activity social as well as print and electronic media and the Blast he given to Barkha Dutta NDTV Show (maximum portion was edited), when she ask audience to Poll by giving one sided story.

His word: “Mam here is a case where I had proved in Court it was wrong allegations, but you don’t brother to hear the same and without even hearing the same asking people to Vote based on a Story , which we do not know true or false ? So, an Allegations based story has more value to you than Court order based Fact to You? “  

Ms. Barkha Dutt openly say, yes she is taking side and she will keep doing that, because it’s her believe. One will wonder, if so why she claim a News anchor, if she wants to put her views is not fair to be a Panelist than misuse the Anchor Role of Program!

He dream many think but one I would like to put his  message in SIF Yahoo Group  appeal for creating 100NGo to  all over India  in every city to provide some helping hand to abused and distressed men .

Like that many incidence in my memory, can't express in words, hope he will take rebirth soon in some here some form as DA-Man, as a MRA don't die, it’s a soul, which only change their form of body!!

He used to blog at :


(The Author is the founder of DAMAN (Dowry Act Misuse Abolition Network), an organization fighting against the Misuse of Dowry Laws, and protect Men and his family from False implications due to Laws pertaining to gender discrepancy.)

All his activity you can witnesses in his Blog , but a heart touching Post he written after got Divorce a must read for all Re-Birth of Manuj Gupta .

We know we can't get back to him or any condolence is enough to the loss of his family, but at least we can show some love and respect to one of our brave MRA by saying in #RIPManujGupta at twitter and Facebaook , as Main stream media will not going to recornise his effort and sacrifice he had done for Men rights movement.

The Last Message From Manuj Gupta - DaMan !!