Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Augusta attorney Pat Morgan yells in court ... bullies Francis Chester on stand

[Francis Chester is also representing the VAST Rocket Boys against Augusta County.]

Is the Augusta County government trying to bully the taxpayer little guy?

After the County of Augusta sued Churchville attorney Francis Chester for sanctions (fines) because he sued the county to roll back the 2009 real estate assessments to 2005 values on behalf of 10,500 county landowners that he represented pro bono, county attorney Pat Morgan continued the intimidation in court.

As quoted directly from the Waynesboro News Virginian:
On cross-examination, Morgan repeatedly asked why Chester demanded documents from Shrewsbury that were not in her possession.

“What made you think she had the documents?” Morgan asked, his finger pounding on the desk as his voice rose to a boom: “Why did you file for the writ of mandamus?”
[emphasis added]

“What do you have to scream for?” Chester replied quietly before Ludwig asked Morgan to keep his voice down.
Bullying a taxpayer by yelling? The employees are yelling at the employers? What is going on at the Augusta County Government Center?

Nothing was decided Thursday:
After nearly two hours of heated exchanges and two occasions when Chester put himself on the stand, Ludwig chose not to rule on whether he would sanction Chester for filing a lawsuit calling for the 2009 county reassessment to be set aside by the board of supervisors.
Thursday's court appearance had many of the taxpayers' employees sitting on the front row: Supervisor Wendell Coleman, Commissioner Jean Shrewsbury, Manager Pat Coffield, a county employee, and sitting with them was Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal owner David Hickey. Sitting behind them was former supervisor Kay Frye who sat with 2007 Democrat supervisor candidate Lee Godfrey. On the last row was supervisor Nancy Sorrells.

Reporters in the room included Tony Gonzales from the Waynesboro News Virginian, Trevor Brown from the Staunton News Leader, and Ken Slack from NBC-29. With a total of 28 spectators in the courtroom (including government employees), over half were there in support of Mr. Chester.

Copies of petitions containing 10,500 signatures from Augusta County residents ... 83 pounds and numerous reams of paper. The judge requested a set for each of the supervisors and Commissioner of the Revenue Jean Shrewsbury. Ms. Shrewsbury had already put together a list from the original set of petitions. Using taxpayer money, Ms. Shrewsbury had her staff put together a elecronic list from the original set of petitions submitted to the BOS, but Shrewsbury is not willing to share the complete list with others.

Mr. Chester sat at his table with the eleven sets of petition copies containing 10,500 signatures from county landowners stacked in front of him, as required by the judge (approximately 11,000 pages).

The court stenographer requested by Mr. Chester did not show up so no official record of the proceedings was recorded other than notes by news reporters and the judge. I scribbled as fast as I could during the process.

The request for sanctions was delayed by Judge Victor Ludwig:
Over Chester’s protest, Ludwig declined to hear legal arguments about sanctions, then cited four court cases that influenced his thinking and gave Morgan 30 days to file a briefing.

Chester will then have two weeks to respond.
Mr. Chester wanted oral arguments but the judge decided they would handle this in written responses that are due Monday, November 16, 2009. The county has 30 days to submit a written argument as to why they should request sanctions against a taxpayer, and then Mr. Chester has two weeks to respond as to why he should not be sanctioned. No court appearance is scheduled.

If the county did nothing wrong, they should let the taxpayers have their day in court. But by bullying taxpayers and using stalling tactics, it only raises eyebrows concerning the Board of Supervisors and Commissioner of Revenue Jean Shewberry's handling of the entire assessment issue.

Mommy Patriots ... 40,000 in one week

Wow! Moms are frustrated, angry, and ready to take action as seen in the phenomenal growth of the Mommy Patriots website in just one week! After having their site revamped to handle the load, they updated everyone on what is happening:
A message to all members of As A Mom...

One week ago today we had 12 members. Today we have over 40,000. A big hand to the folks at Ning.com who are keeping us up and running as well as our technical team. We know we are having many technical issues. Please do not report issues with chats or slow searches. We know these are problems. Also please do not request new groups today. These reports fill up our inboxes and make it difficult for us to address other issues.

Please consult the “How to” sections on changing your settings, email preferences etc. If your password doesn’t work please contact NING.com. They collect the password and e-mail information. We cannot help you.

There are several sites that are trying to solicit our members. We Are NOT affiliated with asamom.NET or asaamom.COM or the myspace.com/asamom my-space page. If someone is asking you for money that is not us. We do not charge for membership nor are we seeking donations.

We also are not affiliated with the MOMforAmerica site and fundraising. However we do wholeheartedly support the idea of a rally (march). They have been careful to try to explain the difference in sites but till a few of you are confused, their site is only for the rally.

If you got my “Field of Dreams” analogy yesterday then I would like you to know that we are moving on, the surveyors are here we are marking off the field and setting up the teams and bases. The bandstands and concessions are being planned.

Speaking of concessions ... we do have plans for official t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc., as a way to fund this site and its activities. We are dealing with legal and accounting on these issues. We are aware that several of you are independently trying to work on these things. If you are trying to work on ideas for these please just hold on to them until we call for your help. Please respect the TradeMark on “As A Mom ... A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots.” Please do not attempt to sell anything on this site.

Thank you
Lori Parker & the Mom Admin team
The last time I saw something grow this fast was last year when Team Sarah started as a handful of women (several of us in the Shenandoah Valley were part of the first dozen to join) and grew by leaps and bounds as women joined together to support a conservative leader.

Conservative women ... they are rising in leadership ranks.

Cuccinelli to push for changes in military absentee voting laws

"It's just unbelievable to me that the Governor of Virginia, who is also the Chairman of the Democrat National Committee, would place such a low priority on the voting rights of active duty military members. This is a mindset that will change should I be elected Attorney General."
-- Ken Cuccinelli, GOP Candidate for Attorney General 2009

[The very fact that Virginia under Democrat control is not concerned about getting ballots to our active military in time for them to vote is outrageous. They should be held accountable. This just came from the Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General campaign.]

Cuccinelli to Push for Changes In Military Absentee Voting Laws

Efforts require uniformity - some registrars don't mail ballots to active duty service members in time for them to vote

FAIRFAX, VA -- Ken Cuccinelli today reiterated his support to enact legislation in January that would require all registrars in the Commonwealth to keep to strict timelines for the mailing and processing of active duty military absentee ballots.

"There is an immediate need to address issues related to active duty service members and whether their votes are being counted" said State Senator Ken Cuccinelli. "In last year's Presidential election, several counties in the Commonwealth mailed ballots to active duty service members so late that there was no practical way that the ballots would be returned on time to be counted. This effective denial of the right to vote of those who are defending us around the world must end," said Cuccinelli. "As Virginia's next Attorney General, I will lead the push put legal structures in place to ensure Virginia's military men and women that their votes will count in every election."

As recently as last month, the Kaine Administration, in a legal brief in the McCain-Palin vs. Virginia State Board of Elections (Cunningham) filed in the Eastern District of Virginia (http://www.cuccinelli.com/memo.pdf), amazingly argued that because there is no statutory time frame in place under federal law, they could mail absentee ballots to active duty service members right up to the day before an election. Of course, with the turnaround time in the mail for such ballots, those ballots would never be returned in time to be counted, thereby denying those military members the right to vote.

"Rather than seeking immediate relief to ensure that active duty military members have their votes counted, the Kaine Administration is making a technical legal argument that, if true, would still leave military members without a practical opportunity to vote" added Cuccinelli. "It's just unbelievable to me that the Governor of Virginia, who is also the Chairman of the Democrat National Committee, would place such a low priority on the voting rights of active duty military members. This is a mindset that will change should I be elected Attorney General," concluded Cuccinelli.

Senator Cuccinelli pointed out that ensuring the rights of our military members to vote was point five of his five point plan to better equip Virginia to provide for our Veterans and active duty military members. To review that plan, jointly presented with Paul Galanti, Roger Sullivan, and Joe McCain, click here.

"Battleground Virginia" tonight

Bob McDonnell Participates in "Battleground Virginia" Primetime Gubernatorial Special Tonight

ABC 7, News Channel 8, WSET Lynchburg and Politico.com will air "Battleground Virginia," a primetime Gubernatorial Special with Democrat Creigh Deeds and Republican Bob McDonnell TONIGHT, Tuesday, October 6th at 7 p.m. The special is the result of a unique multi-platform partnership with ABC 7/WJLA-TV, POLITICO, YouTube and Google.

Tonight's event was originally proposed as a debate between the two candidates. Bob McDonnell accepted the invitation. Creigh Deeds refused to participate. For that reason each candidate appears separately in tonight's broadcast.

Prior to the broadcast viewers were given an opportunity to engage with the candidates through the use of Google Moderator. Moderator allows users to submit text and YouTube video questions for the candidates.

In addition to responding to web questions, candidates will be profiled in sit-down interviews with ABC 7's Leon Harris and POLITICO's John F. Harris where they will be able to address their views on the issues facing the State of Virginia.

This primetime special is an extension of the Battleground Virginia series produced by ABC 7/WJLA-TV throughout the 2008 presidential election. It is modeled along the same lines as the station's innovative Democratic Gubernatorial Primary Special using the Google YouTube technology in June, 2009. This latest edition of "Battleground Virginia" will also be carried on WJLA's sister station News Channel 8 and WSET-TV in Lynchburg, VA. The program will also be streamed live on www.politico.com. The Virginia General Election is on November 3, 2009.

Event Details
What: Bob McDonnell Participates in "Battleground Virginia" Primetime Gubernatorial Special
When: 7:00 p.m. TONIGHT

**The Special Can Be Viewed On**
ABC 7/WJLA-TV, News Chanel 8, WSET-TV, and streaming live at www.politico.com

Smoke and mirrors ... and the floundering Deeds campaign

Michael at Write Side of My Brain has links to posts by JR at Bearing Drift and Jim at Virginia Virtucon about the Sheila Jackson bruhaha that Democrats are stirring up to avoid talking issues in the Deeds camp.

Gubernatorial Democrat campaign 2009: Smoke and mirrors ... smoke and mirrors....

News Virginian: Francis Chester ... Augusta County hero

The Waynesboro News Virginian chose Francis Chester as one of its weekly "Three UP, Three DOWN" spotlights:

WOOL MAN: Francis Chester, a Churchville lawyer and sheep farmer, returned to a favorite place this week, center stage, to resume his battle over Augusta County’s reassessment. Chester arrived in court sporting patented duds, a jacket for which the material apparently was derived from the farm. The people love Chester. The county despises him. To the latter, what else can we say? Too baaad. [emphasis added]
This on top of the Staunton News Leader pounding down on the County of Augusta for wasting taxpayer money and time taking Mr. Chester to court because he dared to represent 10,500 landowners upset over outrageously overinflated real estate assessments.

It's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington ... Augusta County style.

What did Augusta County's day in court do? It rallied citizens who are angry at the government pounding down on the little guy. Francis Chester is representing 10,500 citizens pro bono with volunteers from Augusta Citizens Against Unfair Assessments (ACAUA).

You own that Government Center ... and those are your employees working there, thanks to your hard-earned taxes.

How can you help in this battle? Email and join the growing corps of citizen volunteers who are going up against City Hall or, in this case, the Augusta County Government Center.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Has Obama done his last favor for Deeds?

So asks National Review's Campaign Spot....

H/T to Riley

Larry Sabato: "Deeds has a Democrat problem"

From the Crystal Ball himself ... Larry Sabato.

H/T to Riley

Sarah Palin gets the last laugh

Yankee Phil has video of McCain campaign manager Steve Schmitt whining about Sarah Palin ...

Meanwhile, Concrete Bob points to an article in the American Thinker titled, "Palin's Revenge: Who's Laughing Now?" I love it!

Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I hear the Jurassic media bury the career of Sarah Palin just last July? And weren't they joined in this mockery by the so-called conservative elites like David Brooks and Karl Rove and Joe Scarborough and so on?

Wasn't Mo Dowd just delirious in fact that the wicked witch (of her world) was dead?

You betcha.

Well, just who is looking out of touch and foolish now? Hint: It isn't the Killa from Wasilla. And yes, I think that is her Brinks Truck in fact. One of them anyway.
Conservative leadership? Many look to Sarah for that leadership.

Michael Moore fails ... again


Action Item: Health care issue ... contact U.S. senators TODAY

The Richmond Tea Party sent the following information and action alert. We need to contact our U.S. senators (see contact info below)....

Halloween may come early this year if Harry Reid and his Chamber of Horrors has its way. Tertium Quids sent us this info. If you frighten easily, be forewarned.

Sources on K Street and on Capitol Hill have confirmed that:
--Senate staffers from the Senate Finance Committee and the Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee) are in the process of writing the health care bill RIGHT NOW that the Senate will consider the second full week of October; and
--Senator Reid plans to use all the procedural tactics in his toolbox to shut down debate and control the Amendment process to get this Senate debate completed by the end of October.

They can add the Public Option as an amendment on the Senate floor with a simple majority if they have the will. This comes on the heels of defeat of a bill requiring a 72 hour "waiting period" allowing representatives to read legislation before voting on it.

We've said it before and it bears repeating. Elections Have Consequences. But who are these people we thought we were electing? Have their bodies been invaded by aliens with their own agenda? Our Senators at least pretended to listen to us, once long ago, during the campaign season. Instead, we are supposed to be assured when they listen carefully to Myanmar.

Something very ugly is about to come down; something so wicked nobody wants us to see it. The Zombies are awakening in the Chamber and we need to act now. Their Leader (who hails from Nevada, near Area 51) is putting the final touches on Frankenstein.

Please, call, email or fax your Senators TODAY and demand they put an end to this Chamber of Horrors. The Will of the People should not be subverted through tricky procedural maneuvers by creatures pretending to be our elected representatives. We want our elected representatives back - is it too late?

Senator Jim Webb
507 East Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804-771-2221
Fax: 804-771-8313
Email: webb.senate.gov/contact/

248 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-4024
Fax: 202-228-6363
Toll Free Number 1-866-507-1570

Senator Mark Warner
5309 Commonwealth Center Parkway
Suite 401
Midlothian, VA 23112
Phone Number: 804-739-0247
Fax Number: 804-739-3478
Email: http://warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Contact

459A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023
Fax: 202-224-6295

The conservative rebellion ... 1700s style

Bob has a sober reminder of what the Founding Fathers gave up in the fight for freedom. His latest edition of THYME Magazine: Citizen Journalism With a Better Flavor is up over at The Journey.

Four years ago....

Mike reminds of the gubernatorial election four years ago. Flashback ... seems longer ago.

SNP: Camping along the Skyline Drive #3

Games played around the table included Apples to Apples.

Campfire was welcome warmth to ward off a chill in the air.
American flag was prominent part of our camp site.

In the kitchen ...

... breakfast leftovers.

The kitchen tent was the center of meals, games, and writing.

Breaking camp to head home. It was a great weekend of family time spent in the quiet of the national forests. We celebrated SWAC Daughter's birthday, hiked, watched sunsets, enjoyed the wildlife including black bears near camp and along the Skyline Drive, identified plants and bugs, cooked over the fire, and enjoyed a needed respite from the world.

SNP: Camping along the Skyline Drive #2

Hiking on SWAC Daughter's birthday.

SWAC Son sees the world at a different angle through the lens of a camera.

Stick bugs were constant weekend visitors.

Chili and hot dogs were on the menu for Saturday.

Sunday's lunch....

Our trusty tent kept us dry for Friday's rain, warm during chilly nights, and withstood high winds throughout the weekend.

Looking west toward Shenandoah Valley. The white building at base of mountains is the Coors plant. One inch of rain in this watershed produces 200 million gallons of water downstream.

SNP: Sunset in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Camping in Shenandoah National Park ... October 2009.

Saturday's sunset was beautiful as we kicked back and watched....

SWAC Son got some amazing photos.

The sun set ... and we turned to see a full moon in the sky behind us.

Previous posts:
- The mountains are calling and I must go
- SNP: Mama bear plus 2
- SNP: Camping along Skyline Drive #1

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
October 3, 2009

SNP: Camping along the Skyline Drive #1

Camping in Shenandoah National Park ... October 2009.
Leaves are beginning to turn.
Hiking ...
... breakfast over the fire ...

... dinner over the fire.
The landlord allowed us to camp in his grazing area.
SWAC family campout.
The landlord smelled chili heating on the campstove.
Ahhh ... chili. Repellent for cold nights.

Previous posts:
- The mountains are calling and I must go
- SNP: Mama bear plus 2

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
October 2-4, 2009

Are Virginia Democrats blocking military votes?

A report today from RedState is disturbing in reporting that it appears Virginia Democrats, led by Democrat Governor and DNC Chair Tim Kaine, are trying to prevent our military -- those brave men and women who preserve our freedom to vote -- from themselves being allowed to vote in Virginia:
The Virginia State Board of Elections argued in their most recent filing that they have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely manner. Restated, the State of Virginia has argued in a federal court filing that they can legally send out absentee ballots to active duty soldiers the day before an election.

Restated again, the Democratic Chairwoman of the Virginia State Board of Election (appointed by the Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine, in his capacity as Virginia Governor) Jean Cunningham just claimed a legal basis for massively raising the barrier to voting for soldiers at war.
SURE they support the troops....

Make every vote count! Check out the Military Vote Project from Project Virginia ... today is the deadline to request those military ballots. Call your Democrat representatives including Tim Kaine and Creigh Deeds, Jody Wagner, Steve Shannon, Jim Webb, and Mark Warner to demand our service people be allowed to vote.

Conservative leaders rising up from tea party movement

The tea party movement has grown nationwide with thousands of events that eventually led to the 9/12 March on Washington three weeks ago when over 1 million conservatives converged on Washington, DC, to send a message to their elected representatives.

That movement may be a bit unorganized at the moment but, as RedState's Erick Erickson opined in the Washington Examiner, leaders are rising from the ranks of the tea party organizations:
We should not look at the tea party movement and the voices surrounding it as shrieking voices of populist sentiment devoid of substance. They give voice to the instinctual level, or gut, of the conservative conscience.

What we see across the country are more and more people standing up realizing the direction we are headed is wrong. They are unorganized. They are unfocused. But they do not lack a “connection to a concrete ideology,” they just are not skilled or trained in the ideology.

There is no greater conservative sentiment than “stop.” Bernard Bailyn’s influential The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution laid out how conservative the American Revolution was.

The popular messages of “freedom” and “liberty” were not slogans of propaganda put forward by the 18th century equivalent of a 501(c)(4), but were very real and meaningful to the colonists on the street and in the fields.

While no one should expect a revolution against government from the tea parties, we should expect and hope for a revolution in conservative thought and an upheaval of at least the Republican Party as the tea party activists start putting down their protest signs and picking up campaign signs. Then, perhaps, they will move on to taking over their local political party.
Out of the conservative movement are rising leaders of the future.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

SNP: Mama bear plus 2

This mama black bear and two cubs crossed the road near our camp site just before sunset Saturday evening. What a special treat to see her playfully batting with them on the side of the road before crossing and heading up the mountain.

"The mountains are calling and I must go...."

John Muir said, "The mountains are calling and I must go."
We answered the call and spent the weekend camping in Shenandoah National Park.

Blue Ridge Mountains looking west.

Leaves are just beginning to turn color....

Sunset from the Skyline Drive.

Early morning fog.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Happy Birthday!

SWAC Daughter!

October in the mountains

It's a gorious weekend in the Blue Ridge Mountains and western Virginia. Leaves are just beginning to turn with splashes of color on the slopes and in the Valley ... enjoy the outdoors and leave the world behind.

It's autumn in the Shenandoah Valley....

Friday, October 02, 2009

Augusta County sues citizen ... UPDATE

I was in court yesterday for the hearing between Churchville attorney Francis Chester and the County of Augusta and took numerous notes. The court stenographer that was ordered by Mr. Chester never materialized and it was not required to have official transcripts of the proceeding so we have what was written by the press and myself as a guide of what happened. It is a busy weekend at the Mitchell household so I hope to have a post up by Sunday.

Bottom line: The case of the county requesting sanctions (fines) against Mr. Chester was continued until November 16.

Meanwhile, check out Tony Gonzales' article in today's Waynesboro News Virginian. Also present in the courtroom were Trevor Brown with the Staunton News Leader and Ken Slack with NBC-29.

Lots of emails and phone calls from concerned citizens that I will also post.

Back from Iraq: Welcome home, Nate!

American flag waves in the breeze late Thursday afternoon as it waits for Cpl. Nate Salatin to return from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Thirty American flags lined the Salatin family driveway in western Augusta County waiting for Nate's Friday arrival.

Two "Don't Tread On Me" flags joined American flags lining the long mountain driveway awaiting Nate's return.

The Alleghany Mountains are visible in the background.

Welcome home, Marine.

Our hearts are grateful as Cpl. Nate Salatin, USMC, returns home today from his second deployment to Iraq. We cannot even begin to thank him enough for the freedom he has bought for us ... our prayers for his safety have been answered. To the entire Salatin family, we say "thank you."

UPDATE: Nate arrived home safely at 6:30 Friday morning. Welcome home, Marine!

Previous posts:
- Nate is back on U.S. soil
- Surprise gift from Iraq ... 9/11 American flag
- Nate in Iraq ... Semper Fi

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
October 1, 2009

Augusta County: Hard days for the First Amendment

First Bob Kirchman posted Hard Days for First Amendment: Attempts to chill free speech, local and national.

Then he posted a follow-up to the original post about the First Amendment.

It's good to have so many watching this case and the support from the community.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Rev. Dailey Young ... Augusta GOP volunteer passes away

"And God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
- 2 Peter 1:11

I heard the sad news that Rev. Dailey Young of Churchville passed away Tuesday. Another of the "greatest generation" has left us at the age of 90.

I drove by the Youngs' house last Friday and almost stopped in. Almost. One of those moments that will never be recaptured....

Rev. and Mrs. Young were extremely active with the Augusta County Republican Committee until 2008, and he would open the meetings in prayer at which time he would always remember our troops who were at war and serving stateside and around the world.

They were a joyful couple ... Dailey and Charlotte ... and I remember once at an Augusta County GOP mass meeting when I was called to the check-in table to identify Mrs. Young because she had left her ID at home when she changed purses to attend the meeting. A snappy dresser, it brought out her youthful side and Rev. Young's, too. They were always happy.

The Youngs lived in Pastures District so I had the honor of being their magisterial district chairman for 10 years, supplying them with yard signs for their front yard and talking with them when we would pass in Churchville. Mrs. Young could be seen walking the sidewalks of Churchville at all times of the year.

I was privileged to be a guest in their home where Rev. Young proudly showed his World War II citations that were framed and hanging on the wall ... Purple Heart, Bronze Star ... earned while serving in the European Theater. He was a patriotic American through and through.

Ill health had kept the Youngs away from politics the past year but in my memory I can still see them working the precinct at Churchville on Election Day well into their 80s.

We will miss Rev. Young. Our condolences to Mrs. Young and to his family.

"Well done good and faithful servant." - Matthew 25:21

Augusta BOS: "Be careful how you speak out against our decisions"

Staunton News Leader cartoon by Jim McCloskey

~Board seeks financial sanctions against local citizen~

Churchville attorney Francis Chester goes to court today in a return of Mr. Smith Goes To Washington ... Augusta County style.

In exercising his First Amendment right and representing over 10,500 citizens against the County of Augusta, the board of supervisors, and commissioner of the revenue Jean Shrewsbury, Mr. Chester has been smacked up side the head by Augusta County government with a lawsuit asking for financial sanctions against him for having the audacity to question his public officials.

Today's Staunton News Leader editorial, appropriately named "The fly and the hatchet," illustrates the reality of the little guy going up against City Hall when City Hall has unlimited taxpayer funds to fight against the very taxpayer who dares to question the public servants he voted into office.

The News Leader wrote:
An irritating little fly has landed at the Augusta County Government Center. It's notification of a lawsuit filed in circuit court claiming the Board of Supervisors erroneously assessed real estate values in the most recent reassessment.
The county in turn asked its lawyer to file a motion asking the judge not only to dismiss Chester's lawsuit — it's frivolous, after all, because there's no such thing as a class action lawsuit in Virginia — but they also asked the judge to sanction Chester for filing it. In other words, ask for attorney's fees and related charges.

In doing so, the county has raised a hatchet to kill the irritating little fly.
In asking that Chester, a county resident and a spokesman for thousands of residents angry about what they saw as unfair property assessments, be sanctioned, the supervisors are sending a clear message — be careful how you speak out against our decisions.
[Emphasis added]
County attorney Pat Morgan admitted to News Leader reporter Trevor Brown that this action is extremely unusual ... but the county is going through with it anyway:
"It is kind of an unusual procedure," Morgan said of his decision to move for the sanction, "but I did not file it on behalf of the defendants lightly."
The News Leader editorial concluded:
Rather than asking for sanctions against Chester, the supervisors need to let it go. Let the case go before the judge and let justice rule. No need for a hatchet, no need for recrimination. No need to send the message that disagreement will not be tolerated.

This time when the supervisors picked up the hatchet to kill the irritating little fly, they didn't realize the fly had landed on their own forehead.
[Emphasis added]
Because of their actions, the Augusta Board of Supervisors has come across as extremely arrogant to the citizens they were elected to represent.

The county has indicated it wants all 10,500 cases be tried individually in the court system. The court filing fees alone for that many cases would equal almost $1 million, and the sheer number of cases could tie up the court for years, something Mr. Chester was trying to avoid to save taxpayer money and time.

Augusta is a microcosm of the larger taxpayer unrest going on nationwide as manifested by the tea party events and the 9/12 March on Washington three weeks ago. As pointed out in this editorial, the supervisors have little interest in working with the "little people."

Recent articles about today's court action:
- Staunton News Leader: Judge to hear reassessment case
- Waynesboro News Virginian
- SWAC Girl: Augusta pursues lawsuit against local tax assessment hero
- Staunton News Leader editorial cartoon