I'd like to give a plug for the Intermountain Suzuki String Institute. The dates are June 18-23, 2012. It is held at Juan Diego High School in Draper. We are so lucky to have it so close - people come here from all over the mountain west as well as the world (as far away as Singapore!) to attend this Institute.
Please, please, PLEASE attend this summer if you are able. I promise you will not regret it. You will have special bonding moments with your child as you attend classes with them during this week long "Violin Camp".
Institute is a great way to motivate your children to practice. As they see other students that play an instrument too it creates a feeling of excitement and satisfaction that they are part of a group. They are more inclined to progress and grow. They learn new techniques and fun games from new teachers. It is such a wonderful experience - I can't say enough about it!
Here is the website for more information: http://intermountainsuzukistringinstitute.com/