Saturday, March 31, 2012

Donuts with Daddy Denton

There is nothing like homemade donuts to start the you can see with these hungary Romans kids. I wish I was there to have some. Yummy! Definitely going on the agenda for a future family reunion.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Tess ( 4) and Melissa ?

This is my beautiful daughter-in-lawMelissa and my cute little granddaughter Tess who live in Mesa, Arizona. They share the same birthday. xoxo

Friday, March 23, 2012

Leo Caroline Turns 9.

Leo turned 9 this week and had some fun celebrations. Her favorite dinner and dessert cooked by her dad and a roller skating daddy daughter date. Sounds like they had alot of fun. Go Leo!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Denton's Kids at the movies

Look at these cute kids enjoying going to the movies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Art Exhibit with the Woods

This past weekend we got to go to Raleigh and see the art exhibit of Chloe and Evie. They both won awards. Uncle Denton was there too. We were in NC for Lindsay's new baby blessing
( Carter) on Sunday. Here are some of the pictures.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How cute is this Valentine Girl? Chelsea's Gigi.

This is a sweater I gave to Chloe years ago. Fun to see MK in it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chloe Jane turns 11.

Coco turned 11 today. She came to grandma's house with her mom and her sisters a couple of weeks ago for a long weekend and we celebrated then. One of the things Chloe loves to do is do crafts and sew things. Her mom told me she really wanted a sewing basket. So we got her one.

She can keep it all her life for all her supplies and small projects. She was so thrilled and has already used it at a class she took from a swap her mom does with another mom. I am glad she loves to make things with her own hands. I helped her learn how to make flower pins. She made
2 and has already worn them. I love to make things too. Coco is such a wonderful little girl and I love her dearly. She is always so kind and considerate and loving to me.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine's Pillows

Many years ago ( like maybe 25 or 30) Greg bought me a beautiful heart sweater for Valentine's Day. It was from a really posh little shop in the Birmingham Galleria. It cost $100. I saw it one day but thought it was way too expensive ( it was for 25 years ago) I told him about it. He went back and got it and surprised me. I loved it and wore it for years...but then it went out of style and got too small. I loved the detail of all the knit hearts and could never part with it. I thought one day...I could make pillows out it it. So my friend Judy ( a fabulous sewer that I visit teach) offered to make them for me. She is really good at pillows. She made me four.....I have 2 on my love seat in the kitchen. I love them. They hold such a sweet memory from Greg and now another one from Judy. I feel so happy that it has been recycled in such a cool way. It bring much LOVE into my life this Valentine's time.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Felix's Pinewood Derby Car

Check out Felix's Pinewood Derby car. It won best of show for design. His dad helped him make it.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Cruise to Mexico with the Girls

I have wanted to go on a cruise for years but Greg has never wanted to go. So he said go with you girlfriends. We finally planned and executed. These are my dear friends I have traveled with for over 25 years. Actually our friend Marilyn, did most all the planning. I arranged a hotel for our stay in New Orleans on the way home. It was crazy to go in December, but the price was right.

We all met in New Orleans and spent the night. Angie and I flew in from Richmond and Idaho Falls and Theresa and Marilyn drove in from Birmingham , Alabama... where we met and all once lived.

We had half the first day to explore (we had all been there before) We made our way to the famous "Cafe Du Monde" for beignets (little donut type things with powdered sugar or cinnamon). And shopped a little before heading out on the cruise ship. We were gone for 5 days with port stops to Cozumel and Progresso in Mexico.We had a ball eating , eating and eating some more. The average weight gain in 10 lbs...I gained 6. Then I had to come home and lose it during the holidays. Yikes. We had a fun table at dinner every night and laughed alot. We had great shows with lots of Christmas costumes.. We were on Carnival, the party ship, and there was lots of partying going on. The ship was all decorated for Christmas which made it fun and festive. And fun for the shows too. The boat was a bit rocky for a few days and a little too big for me with my bad leg. But I survived. We were all crammed in one room with cords going everywhere for our breathing machines and fans. It was a miracle we actually fit in there with all our stuff. The ports were fun but we only had part of a day at each. Our $20 massages were a highlight:) And putting me in a wheelchair going on and coming off (which I really needed) bumped us up to the front of the line with a few extra bucks for tips.

We had a day back in New Orleans on the way we shopped some more. And we did a tour of a neat old house that Marilyn had arranged. We also checked out a cool graveyard with these amazing tomb type things pictured. But the best part of the whole trip was being away from my phone for a week. Greg and I traded phones and he answered all the business calls. I haven't had a break from that for over 9 years. It was great to spend time with " the girls". I love these girls like sisters and we have the best fun in the whole world together.

We got home December 9th. Greg surprised me and had taken off 4 days to build in a giant pantry where my baker's rack was. I have wanted one for years to house my dishes. He ordered special shelves and a rolling cart for my place mats. He stayed up all night to get it done....almost made it. He has a few more things to finish. But Christmas had to come and go and he will work on in sometime in January. It was a great surprise when I walked in the door. What a good guy.

It was a little crazy pulling Christmas off this year with a week gone, but it was a great time and a memory for a lifetime. Thanks Marilyn for all your hard work planning and couponing our "deals".

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