Thursday, October 23, 2008

Comments on my Post

So I am going to do an experiment. I know I have a few faithful followers that occassionally leave a comment. I try to check out who has been looking here.....but never am quite sure. Although I know many are opposed to commenting......I wonder if just ONE time you would leave me a message saying you visited my blog. It would improve my self-esteem and make me so happy for just one day to know that somebody knows I am alive :) it doesn't even have to be a nice message...just nothing brutal.

Politcal Fun

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
I think the campaign has been brutal this year. It is finallly time for some fun.....that is not mean- spirited. Enjoy !

Monday, October 20, 2008

Making History with Sarah

Here are some pics of me and some of my friends at the Sarah Palin Rally in Richmond last week.

There were some 20,000 people that showed up. It was a long, hot day but worth it. It took Suzanne and I about 1 1/2 hours to get out of the parking lot. But we had fun talking during the wait. Besides hearing Sarah, it was fun to hear Hank Willlims Jr. He does a funny McCain -Palin song of support.  Regardless of your politics, you have to admire a women who has accomplished so much while mothering 5 kids. I can't imagine having to survive all the media abuse and all the trash talk past few months. That is proably why I never went into politics. Although people have tried to talk me into it. You have to have really THICK skin. But I would like to dance and be crazy on SNL..that I could probably handle. They would  totally be making fun of my California Valley Talk:) Can you imagine?

On a more serious note just for your information. Did you know?

Question: What is America's first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States?
Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.

Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty?
Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard

Question: Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is............................................

"Now You Do Know" !!!









Sunday, October 19, 2008

Halloween Treat Bags by Lindsay Marie

Lindsay has always been very creative at making things. When she was little, she could go in her room with some crafts supplies and come out with the coolest 3-D objects for a school report or something. Plus she is never afraid to try new things. I love how she likes to make things all the time and learn new skills. Reminds me of me once upon a time ( former life).....the try new things part. I made barefoot sandals in sixth grade and sold hundreds to a store at the beach. They were felt flower things that went on top of your feet with elastic. People actually bought them and wore them. I had to be innovative...what can I say. That was just the start of my entrepreneurial career. That is another post or journal entry for another day.

She made these treat sacks she saw on Martha Stewart for her friends and VT list and filled them candy bars...big ones she got with a coupon at Costco. I think she might be turning into me. Don't panic happens to all girls. One day they wake up and find out they are becoming their mother. It's not so bad. Some people actually like me......I think?

Anyway....I think they are adorable. I would love to come home and find one of these on my porch. Greg would say "she already has a broom she rides around on" . Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! He is such a comedian.

Girls Trip in the Making: Hanging out

These are the baby girls of Chelsea's friends. I took the liberty of posting on my blog because they are too too cute. Aren't they adorable? They must be having a birtdhay party or maybe it is afternoon tea. We start them at a very young age learning to " hang out with the girls" . Fast forward 25 years and they will be flying off for a get-a-way weekend. Life goes on and on and on and on. I love it. ..and look how cute they are dressed. Their moms are really cute but these girls are too much. Little baby diva's.

Halloween is here and Gross as ever! But I love it.

Last night Chelsea and Dana and family had their kick off Halloween dinner. They named all their food crazy things: Chelsea said: " We had elf ears (mandarin oranges), moldy brains (broccoli), spider webs (angel hair), and blood sauce (marinara sauce) for dinner. Dana carved one of our pumpkins. My kids loved to examine the innards of the pumpkin and put him out with his 'guts hanging out.' Awesome.She said she would send cute pictures next time. These are cute and gross. But then that is the fun of Halloween, right?

Some of the family is coming to my house next weekend for a Halloween dinner just like the good old days. When we named all the food weird names, turned off the lights, lite the candles and played scary music. We will try it if we don't scare the little kids to death. I wish Clayton would be here to dress up in his dracula costume to be our waiter. That was his job every year.

Halloween is fun and I am decorated to the hilt. I am just looking for my witch hat ( you know what Greg would say right now)
to greet my guests. I have a few different functions here that it would be perfect for. If I find it, I will take a picture and post. That is the extent of my dressing up these days. Except of course for Chick-Fil-A.

But in a few weeks you will see some adorable pictures of my grandkids in costume.....they are fabulous every year.

I love Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Pianist in the Making

Here is a picture of Felix practicing the piano his mom emailed me. He loves sports and is really good at them. But it is nice to see he is developing another side of himself. He loves music. Maybe he is following in his Uncle Denton's footsteps. He also loves Pokemon cards. He loves money. He loves candy. Guess it is good to be well rounded. He is a fun little boy. Good job buddy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Cute Nieces and My Cute Halloween Table

My cute nieces, Stephanie and Carly, came to visit last Sunday. And also Chip, Steph's husband and cute baby Cash. We had a nice visit and of course ate sourdough pancakes. They took pictures of my Halloween Table and sent to me. So I thought I would post. I love Halloween and all my fun dishes. But then I say that every month when I change decor. I am out of control and I approve this message.


Chloe Jane had to pick out a hero to talk about at school. She chose her mom. They were suppose to dress alike if they could come. So they came in matching black blazers. Chloe wrote a nice tribute to her mom and got up to deliver it. I am still waiting to get a copy of it. Her dad was their to watch and he she honored him as her hero too. The surprise was when a little girl in her class got up and recognized Chloe as her hero. She said she was small but mighty in spirit and always stood up for her on the playground. And helped her with her school work and projects. She called her their class angel. Chelsea said it almost brought her to tears, it was so sweet.

What a great idea to do in class. We all need heros in our lives. She has a great teacher, Mr. Harvey. He seems very attentive and sensitive to all of his students. I am glad she is having such a good second grade.

Our little Reagan , in kindergarten in Utah, was chosen a while back as ' Student of the month" She was chosen for being very responsible, one of her schools big values. They chose 4 kids from each grade who they feel represent the value for the month.
She is pictured with her parents who came for the special program and lunch.

Ellie, her big sister, was student of the month in both Kindergarten and First grade. I know that Felix and Leo are doing great things in their classes too. I have awesome granchildren who have good parents.

I am so happy my granchildren's schools are fostering such positive behavior. And I am so proud of my granchildren for being such good little kids. They are my HEROES and I love them so much.

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