Monday, December 10, 2012

Family Pictures Christmas 2012

 Steve's girls

 Jordan's Kids

Carter (1)... Lindsay's baby

Carter modeling his new shirt

Chelsea's Kids

Chloe Jane at her concert

Gigi by the tree

Felix and Gigi

Gigi (2) finally looking at the camera:)

Sister's Chloe and Evie

Denton's Kids

Denton's kids by their special Costco Christmas Tree

                                                   Denton's Kids playing in the leaves

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lindsay did the Half Marathon! Dec. 1, 2012

What a great 1st of December present. 

Lindsay did the half marathon today. 

She hasn't been training for that long but has done really great. 

Who would have thought both of my girl's would become runners?

When their mom's goal is just to be able to walk downstairs and to the car:) 

So proud of Lindsay today!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Opps....I spoke too soon. This has been harder this time.

Well as it turned out, I ended up back in the emergency room with diverticulitis again like last time. It was a long hideous night with a cat scan and 4 people and 10 needles to start my IV. Finally the respiratory therapist found my vein. I had a few other problems so it was good I  went in. Lots of drugs and antibiotics later, I am on the mend with that.

Chelsea and Dana and family surprised me and drive up to Richmond after their church to check on me and keep me company. It was such a nice surprise. They didn't even call...just showed up for 1 night. I would have told them not to come so far ( 3 hours) . It was very thoughtful of them. Here is Gigi and I hanging out in my bed. She loves my pretzels....I have a big container in my room. Keeps her happy if I just keep feeding her.

I went to the doc today and things look good so far. I can't put weight on it yet so 2-4 more weeks in bed. Yuck!  Thus is been way too long. But somehow I will press on. My medication is making me weepy and very emotional. It is a side effect. But is helps with the pain.

I have had so much love and support......I could have never gotten through this without my friends an family. And Greg being my devoted nurse.

And to top it off a little girl in my primary class , made me some pillowcases all by herself and cme to visit with her mom. so sweet. Also another lady in m ward, Pam Vaughn, brought me a cool shawl thing you put in the microwave to heat up. very thoughful. And the Mia Maids came to visit and brought me cute notes and cookies. Even the entire priest quorun came with their YM's president, Hunter Lansing, to bless and pass us the sacrament one Sunday.

People have been so amazing all the time....everyday.

I am truly blessed.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Knee Revision: Servng Suz

I finally had my re-do knee surgery. It was painful and hard but so much more bearable with all the love and service I have received. I was at a different hospital this time ( St. Mary's) and I had lots of visitors. I was there an extra day this time because my surgery was bigger. The doctor said it was major surgery last time and monster surgery this time.

I was so glad to come home. I have a hospital bed in my room upstairs, as well as 2 walkers and a commode. It looks like a nursing home. I requested Tim again from American Home Care as my physical therapist. It has worked out well. My knee is healing but it is so hard to stay in bed. It has been 3 weeks. I can't put any weight on it this time because they had to put in a plate that split another bone when they were hammering it in. I have to wait for the bone to grow and attach to the plate. I go to the doctor next we will see what he says.

I have had so much love and support from my friends. Leslie organized people into a plan to help me called : "Serving Suz". This is what she wrote:

Hello Ladies!

As most of you know, Suzie is set to have her knee replacement surgery again this coming Friday. Her recovery will be painful and intense, and many of us would love to do whatever possible to help lighten her load as well as Greg's following the operation.
On that note, I have put together a sign-up sheet to organize our efforts during her recovery. Please take a moment to view the document and sign up wherever you are able.

Here is the link to the document:

Thank you so much for keeping Suzie and Greg in your hearts and prayers. Service is truly the Lords way of showing His love through each of us.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Leslie Lienemann 

So many people signed up and Crista even came down from Roanoke again and stayed 2 days. 
Even after all the assignments were done, people have been stopping by with surprise meals, treats, movies, magazines, candy, flowers. I have received lots of Fb messages, emails cards and calls.  Judy made me this little holder pictured for my walker and the primary sent me these cute pictures with posters. Leslie even vacuumed by room.

Greg has been a great nurse and has been so glad for all the meals and help as he has had to do 2 jobs and take care of me. 

The doctor says I will be mobile by Christmas so I sure hope he is right. This has been very hard but at least I haven't had all the problems from last time. 
 I think I am through the worst of it now. 

Thanks everybody for all the love and support.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chelsea completes her first marathon!

Chelsea who has recently become a runner, set a goal on her bucket list to run a marathon at least once in her life . She chose the Richmond marathon and did it yesterday. We have all been part of her training as she has logged many many miles with Gigi in the stroller and is usually talking to one of her family members as she runs. She did absolutely great. ....her best time yet. Under 4 hours. 

Greg and I couldn't see her across the finish line because I just has knee replacement surgery, but Clayton and his good friend Casey drove down from DC . And of course her awesome, supportive family. Dana got her a hotel room downtown by the starting line so she could get a good night's sleep and just walk right over in the morning and start.

When she got home, she didn't even  look exhausted...said she was a little sore. Her hair and make-up were in tact... she looked  fabulous like she did the day she had her first baby.

Bib Number Confirmation Email
Please verify that all of the following information is correct. 
If any information needs to be changed, please visit the Help Desk at Packet Pick-up.

Bib #:  4581
Chelsea Wood

Wave/Corral:  3      

Gender:  F     Age:  37 


I am very proud of her for accomplishing her goal. So far we have Greg, Jordan and Chelsea that have now run marathons. I am sure my name will never be added to that list.  I will be happy if I can just walk somewhat normal again...without my cane.  Way to go Chelsea.  xoxo

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Here are few pictures from the rally in Richmond. Greg took me in my wheelchair.. I got to meet Mitt (again), shake his hand and talk to him. He said thanks for sticking with him so long
(8 years since New Hampshire). He was great today and such a better choice than what we have now. Ryan was awesome last night....polite, steady, diplomatic, smart, knowlegable and very vice-presidential. I hope the world can see the contrast. Huckabee said it best today....Biden was like a drunk you want to ditch at a cocktail party. Shame on him for being so rude. Do what you can...we only have 3 weeks. Go MITT.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

 As has happened alot the last few years, I couldn't get any of my Halloween out of the attic because of my bad leg. Surgery is scheduled Ocotber 26...AGAIN!  YUK!. I am so bummed and anxious about it. Too cheer myself up, I improvised ( and bought a few new things) so I could have a few fun Halloween decorations. As many of you know, I love Halloween decor. It isn't very much so I clean it up before I go to the hospital. We can't have Halloween going on for Christmas. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shower in August for Kristen Duncan at my house


I had a shower (with lots of helpers) for Kristen Duncan in my ward. She isn't finding out the sex of the baby ahead of time so I did primary colors.  It was a Saturday morning brunch. Yummy and fun. She got darling things and lots of great baby advice. Thanks Chrissy for taking pictures. 

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