Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cookie Monsters

So, here's a very long, drawn out background for a very short story.  Sorry, but sometimes it must be done.

Mia has been in Girl Scouts this year with her friends from across the street.  Her very savvy sales abilities got her father to order 12 boxes! (Aunt Kelli ordered 10, Dad, if you want to beat her you'll have to order at least 11).  The cookies arrived 3 weeks ago and 1 week ago, they were  all consumed.  Well, the twins can't be convinced that the cookies are all gone and are constantly requesting "keekees".   This would not normally be a problem because I would just make them cookies, but my oven broke last week.  Over the weekend their constant "keekee, keekee" convinced Aunt Julia to make them some cookies while we were at her house, but those lasted all of 5 minutes with 8 little cookie (and dough) eaters hovering around the kitchen, so there weren't any left to take home with us.  Yesterday I finally dragged my toaster oven out of storage and fired it up.  I can make 9 cookies at a time in that thing and it doesn't exactly cook evenly, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?  So, amid squeals of delight, we baked ourselves some delicious, fresh "keekees".  The whole family was excited about them, apparently, because this morning there were no "keekees" to be found.  This afternoon we once again fired up ol' reliable and made more cookies.  Joshua wanted one right as the first batch came out of the oven.

Which brings us to....

Joshua:  Keekee pees
Me:  Not yet, the're hot
Joshua: Haht keekee pees.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mr. Jiff

The other day I was driving home with my kiddos when Mia, sounding rather annoyed, announced that Lucas was calling her "mischief".  I responded that "mischief" was probably an appropriate name for all of the children in the car and not to let it bother her.  Lucas, even more annoyed, yelled back, "no Mom!  SHE'S mischief, and the boys are Mister jiff." 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Picture This

My camera is broken.  I really wish it wasn't because there have been some crazy photo ops this week.  One day Joshua took all the clothes out of Lucas' closet and tried to put them all on. He got about 5 shirts piled on his shoulders.  And that was after he unfolded my whole pile of laundry and put all the underwear on his arms.  A couple days ago Lucas put a big cardboard box on its side and put pillows and blankets inside.  Then he and the 2 little boys climbed inside and "read" books.  It was so precious.  Yesterday I caught the twins sitting on the counter by the microwave with carrots sticking out of their mouths.  They were having a lovely chat and snack together.  (They are always on the counter these days.  In fact I think they are there right now and I should be getting them down instead of writing in here. Thank goodness for older siblings.)  This morning Joshua put an empty cereal box on his head like a hat so I had to find one for Joseph too and then they both put on a pair of my shoes and clomped around the house for a while.  Then this afternoon they sat in the opening of their cardboard box house, each holding a bowl of Cheetos Puffs, eating and chatting until their fingers and faces were covered in orange Cheetos mystery matter and the entire bag of Puffs was gone.  So, I really wish my camera wasn't broken but unfortunately the subjects of most of those pictures are the cause of the break in the first place.  Those two little angels are going to be the death of me!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Some pics

My brother Eric came and took some pictures of my family.  It was quite the chore to say the least.  The twins were due for their year and a half pictures, and that has to be the absolute worst age to get pictures. Times that by 2 and then add a Lucas who has never ever liked getting pictures done, and it was pretty much impossible.  Thanks Eric and Julia for doing such a great job with such difficult subjects. 

Joshua is always on the phone if he can find one.  If you get a phone call from us and nobody is there, it's probably Joshua.  I think poor Shelly Allen gets called everyday because she is the first one in our phones.  Sorry Shelly!

The family. (From left to right) Mia, Joshua, Isaac, Lucas, Linnaea, Joseph, Trevor


Joseph 19 months

Joshua 19 months

So sweet, right?
And it just gets sweeter!
(Except that Joshua is not hugging his brother, he's clobbering him with his head!)

"Ahh, hey bro, what's wrong?  why you cryin?"

The darling children
Trevor, Mia, Lucas, Joseph, Joshua


The End

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wait, how did it get to be November already?

photo by Eric Despain
Life is racing by right now.  I honestly cannot believe that Thanksgiving is one week away and Christmas is just around the corner.  Where did the year go?  The twins are the same age Lucas was when Trevor went to Kindergarten and now Lucas is in Kindergarten!  Where did the last 4 years go?  Things are a bit calmer now that the 3 big kids are in school.  I do miss them being around, but nap time is awfully nice and quiet.  The twins are crazy, crazy.  Joseph's new game is to push a chair over to the counter, climb up, open a cupboard and start throwing things down.  Usually on top of Joshua.  Yesterday I finally just brought all the chairs into my room and closed the door.  I'm sure it won't be long before he figures out he can just climb up the drawers though.  One day he pushed a cake off the counter and it smashed all over the floor.  While I was cleaning it up, he got down,  picked up a fistful of cake, smiled at me and said "wewcome mom", and walked off.  Yeah, thanks little buddy.  Really though.  It's really, really fun.  I keep telling myself the messes will go away and I will miss the mess makers.  All my kids make me so happy.  I can't imagine life without one of them.  We are so blessed. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Family Vacation... Isn't it about TIME!

Having two small babies does not make one want to load a family up in a car with belongings to last several days and drive for hours and hours and hours.  No, it makes one want to stay home and tell people if they want to see you then they will have to load their own family and come visit you!  It also makes one feel a little stir crazy when one's family is used to traveling quite a bit and one's family hasn't been anywhere for almost 2 years (because growing 2 babies in one's tummy isn't condusive to travel either).  So, this 4th of July weekend we finally went somewhere!  We spent 3 whole nights in a condo with just our little family where we went swimming and hiking and slept in! We met up with some friends from the good ol' days and had yummy food and fun times at a park.  We went to a really neat children's museum, then we watched some great fireworks at the home of a wonderful, kind family.  It was so great to just get away from the rut of our life and enjoy each other's company.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


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