Monday, April 29, 2013

Getting buggy

 This was a fun craft!
Do note that it takes a couple days of prepping time.

I mixed some regular plaster that I put into plastic spoons for two hours.

 Took me a while to figure out how to keep the spoons level, but a rye cracker box, blue tack, two dowels and a cardboard strip eventually did the job. Sometimes crafting is all about problem solving :)

A little tip: once you have the plaster in the spoon, give it a little tap to level it out. I didn't do that with my first batch and had to carve off the peaks with a craft knife... Crafting is also a learning experience :P
After two hours I popped them out and let dry. Could take as long as 48 hours for the plaster to dry properly.

Then we took out paints.
Base coat with a regular acrylic paint and topped with metallic and glitter paints.

To finish off, I glued magnets on them.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Guess who's FOUR?

 Someone who wanted flowers and butterflies on her cake :)

My niece is a pretty cute four year old.. I'm her auntie, I might be biased here..heh..
 So why just two fingers and not four?
She's showing off the colors on them.

We were trying out her artist pastel chalks.

I love this pic.
She's happy to ham it up for Niina.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Egg carton decorations

I've made these lovely egg carton flower (?) decorations for the Club space.
 Thought I'd put together a little tutorial if you feel like making some too!

I used these big egg carton flats, but you can use just regular ones too.
I used metallic acrylic paints.
 I also painted the inside, but that's juts me being overly efficient. 
Really, nobody's going to notice :P

I ten cut them out with a craft knife.

 Then you need a big needle and some yarn.
You knot the yarn and then punch your needle through.

Keep at it.
Make loads.
And then some.

You can see how I attached these together.

 Thay do cheer up the window.

And the sound they make.. so calming.
Listen for yourself.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Still seeing pixels

 Here's a panoramic pic of our main club room with my pixelated paintings on the back wall.
(make sure to click on the pic to make it bigger)

I've now taken a few weeks off, but will be back to it once we get our seven meter long dragon ready.
Yes.. a whole 'nother ball game that one!
I'll be sure to post that process, I'm looking forward to it :D


 Sam and Frodo with hairy feet.

The Joker and Scooby Doo.


 While painting Poison Ivy, it felt like I was painting one of those color blindness cards :P
The kids have never heard of The Invisible Man, but I had to throw some old school in there.
If you look at the little picture taped to the wall, you might be able to figure out who will be next...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

my favorites

This is what February and March have looked like in my vase.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

On the board

 At work we write our daily plan on the chalkboard.

On any average day it might look like this:

Or like this:

 Most days, I write on the board. But sometimes my co-workers might add something.
Or a kid reads it wrong..
I've had to record some fun ones :D

 No, nobody's Grandpa was hurt..
It was supposed to mean pop corn!

 "Susanna, what are the creeps we are having for snack?"

 What a difference an "N" makes...
Finish or Finnish, heh.
They were finishing needle felted Easter eggs.

Although I was tempted to ask where the Norwegian or English eggs were :D

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

me, myself and I

Birthday month project.
Self portraits on my phone.