This was a fun craft!
Do note that it takes a couple days of prepping time.
I mixed some regular plaster that I put into plastic spoons for two hours.
Took me a while to figure out how to keep the spoons level, but a rye cracker box, blue tack, two dowels and a cardboard strip eventually did the job. Sometimes crafting is all about problem solving :)
A little tip: once you have the plaster in the spoon, give it a little tap to level it out. I didn't do that with my first batch and had to carve off the peaks with a craft knife... Crafting is also a learning experience :P
After two hours I popped them out and let dry. Could take as long as 48 hours for the plaster to dry properly.
Then we took out paints.
Base coat with a regular acrylic paint and topped with metallic and glitter paints.
To finish off, I glued magnets on them.