Saturday, May 09, 2009

Fly a kite with me

I had a fun activity planned for the kids in the afternoon club as the last part of my studies.

We made kites.

Would you believe that is one piece of regular printer paper (well..colored printer paper), a bamboo skewer, some crepe paper, string and masking tape.
Instructions here :D

And boy did they fly!
I wasn't expecting them to be quite this amazing flyers.
The park is right by the sea so we had a perfect kite flying breeze. For most kids it was the first time flying kites, and it was great to see the excitement and fun.
(btw: in the background you can see one of the most unusual apartment buildings in town)

I love this photo.
Just everything about it.

As soon as summer vacation starts (in just 15 working days...) I'll be luggung my camera everywhere.
I think I'm due a photo of the day project for June.
Oh, and I have a new contract for next year at the school!
I get to work with my dear friend Samantha in her classroom filled with a new bunch of 1st graders.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Lets' play rewind...

..and do a little backtracking on this past week or so?
Is that OK?
Maybe by Tuesday we'll be back to present time, heh..
You see, I've had my camera with me, so I have plenty of photos to share :)

But I'll start with May Day.
We spent most of it (from 3pm to 11.30pm) with sweet dear friends.
Niina and Jaakko had more food that the eight of us could ever have finished in one go.. or two..come to think of it. And three sorts of chocolatey desserts..mmm...

True to form our kids put up a play for us, they do this every single time we get together. This one was by far the best they've produced so far!

The performace took place out in the yard.

The play was called A Day in Finland.

This is the trash being collected early in the morning.

Emergency medicine...

..just cuteness...

..siblings playing...

..a forgetful news anchor..

We were in stitches by this part.

Partners in crime :D

..a tv show...

..our glasses kept magically refilling.. no wait.. I remember emptying my glass just twice so that means I had three glasses..right? That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

..fireman...hehee... robbing pirates..

I missed the cutest Spiderman ever saving the planet from a meteorote (no it wasn't a meteorite..meteorote) as said meteorote (that looked suspiciously like the glider in one of the previous photos) hit me right on my collarbone..!

Final fireworks.

One of them wouldn't pop as it was really tight..

All in all a FABULOUS time was had by all.
The kids kept on going and going and going...

Even the smelly cheeses didn't repel them.
Next time it's a barbecue at our house.
I might have to make four kinds of dessert ;)

Monday, May 04, 2009

Oh my goodness.. are you ready?

I'm going to drown you in pages :D
Going through my files I realized I had even MORE pages I hadn't shared with you yet, but am able to do so now. These have been either AMLT or Inspiroidu pages... that was pretty much all I could handle up until now.

So, more England photos...


Our first morning there, I did some paper weaving here.

-oh yes-

I'd take Longleat House as a summer cottage any day :) You could lose your kids and significant other and not find them for weeks if need be...

-look up-

Inside Warwick Castle, those ceilings were amazing. Lots of velvet here.. on the paper and the leaves.

Living inside the house of a chainsmoker..ewww...
-oh the drama-

Workshop at the Globe.
-midsummer night's dream-

Watching the rehearsal. Did paper flowers from scraps, tear and bunch :)
And a few other pages.

-chicken parmegiana-

A favorite around here.
-relay race-

This was about repetition of one photo. Finally managed to use those felt KI flowers too.


Saara's camp out party in 2007... took me a while to get these on a page.


I really like that swiss dot bazzill...

-ER thursday-

Had to document my love of the show. I even had paper in that ugly hospital green...


One of my favorite sounds on the roof.
Tonight I have a miniature bouquet I NEED to finish, tomorrow MY LAST EVENING OF NIGHT SCHOOL!!!!!
Make that a double YAY YAY!!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Two days of scrapping...

..and I have ten pages to show :)
Well, truth be told I can only share five for now.
Two will pop up in a few days in the AMLT gallery and three are for the Inspiroidu blog.

-twirly skirt-

Lots of transparencies layered on this one.

-Maybe I'll take it down for Christmas-

Oh yeah.. those ribbons have stayed up all this time :)

-from teh garden to the vase-

I've recycled packaging, the ledger for a Love Elsie product and the big scallopped from a Fancy Pants package.

-Umbrellas in Oxford-

Oxford is one of my favorite cities. Even in the rain.

-please don't smile-

Poor bowman... he was trying so hard and our victim was as cool as could be..LOL! At some point he even told our kid to stop smiling.. heh!
I'll be back soon... Tuesday latest.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Oh happy daaayyyyy.....

I know I've been a bad blogger lately, but as always will be making up for it :)
But this takes precedence.

It's NSD!
Or as I like to call it ISD = "Inter"national Scrapbook Day.

I'm set.
I've got my papers.. of stamps...

...freshly printed photos..

..umm.. everything else I'll need...and thensome..

..and some new papers too.

Happy times tonight.
Scrapping and Midsomer Murders on tv.
Before I dive head first into papers, I want to make sure you drop by the AMLT blog today. We have something fun popping up by the hour with LOADS of prizes to win!
And I mean LOADS.
Have a good scrapping day today :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Had to me more than seven days...

Tell me how does a four day work week feel like more than seven?
It took a long time for Friday to come around...

Haven't started counting days to the summer vacation...yet.

I've spent the weekend making miniature food and writing the last two papers for my studies.
In that order.
I still have one paper to finish, blech.
Plus I'm sure I'll have to make some additions to them once my teacher looks through them.
I find it so hard to write text for text's sake... I'm more blunt straight to the point, forget the crap. The plan still is to graduate on May 28th :)

OK, time for newborn therapy:

I get to be god mother!

Saara looooooves her new cousin.

As for baby Julia.. hehee.. newborns have such fun facial expressions.. really hard to keep up with a camera.

My teenager has a new hairstyle.
She looks so grown-up all of a sudden.

And I think she likes that :)

Let's hope this coming week is shorter, heh.
Seeing as we have a six day work week I'm not sure how that'll happen :D
One can dream, right?
Well, instead of moping, I'll send you to Flickr again.
One of my favorite pick-me-ups.