Last night I took a walk to one of my favorite places just a short walk away.
I left half an hour before golden hour.
Perfect timing.
I was going to take my camera on an outing to the allotments.
Mid July to mid August is the ideal time to go see what people are growing.
And start dreaming of your own vegetable garden.
Sadly we have two houses and so many trees in our yard that a place for one with the sun needed is impossible to find.
Well, there's one great place for a veggie garden, but that is our patio area...
Maybe I should just get in line for one of these lots.
-Just 20 minutes from home.
-I love how everyone also grows flowers on their lot
(by the way, most of these shots are SOOC, only editing done is some cropping, the light was perfect)
-It's only 30 euros a year, a bargain.
-I would grow sunflowers, lots of them.
-Peas for Niina and sweet peas for me
-I'd try growing heirloom carrots and pumpkins.
-And wander about the place in the evenings
-I'm not a fan of onions, but I would grow garlic
This photo makes me so happy.
I've never caught sunrays on my DSLR before.
-Maybe I should just go for it...
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Lists with friends 2014.
Lists with friends 2014.
A project that documents this year with lists of all kind.