Friday, September 27, 2013

This summer's hobby

I've been on the lookout for ornate gates and pretty doors downtown.
I collected a few over the summer.
Which one is your favorite?

This one is my favorite...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Seen downtown

Snippets of my city.
The little things that catch my eye.

Yes, sometimes even rubbish can tell a tale.
And look pretty.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Big, bold and odd

These statues were by far my favorite things downtown this summer.
They were part of the city's art museum's exhibit.
Made by a Russian group of artists called AES+F.

Angel-demon babies.
Wicked cool.

I visited them every time I was downtown.

I wish they could have stayed for longer...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Out in the country

My in-laws own a farm in the countryside.
They used to raise cattle and pigs.
And grow grains.

They've been retired for years.
The livestock is gone and the fields rented out.

They still grow their own potatoes and onions.
And cornflowers just because they are pretty.
And it is pretty around there.
In the country.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

These places lure me in...

Thrift shops that is.
And particularly thrift shops that concentrate on glassware and dishes.

Browsing shelves bring back memories from childhood, when you recognize the ice cream bowl Grandma used to have.
I'm also always on the lookout to add some missing pieces to my collections.

This particular place (on Korkeavuorenkatu, for the locals) was amazing. 
And huge.
It had more nooks and crannies than I had time to investigate!

I think I need to set up a day for my friend and I to go nosing around in several second hand shops.

Monday, September 16, 2013


 The sticker on the rear window got me.

Not to mention that I've always found the Ford Anglia very sympathetic.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Yesterday morning

I'm so lucky my neighbor has this beautiful autumn hydrangea.
Pretty as can be in the misty morning.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Last school year's crafts

 Around Easter time we needle felted onto styrofoam eggs.
 I'm particularly fond of this old Chinese fellow :)

We also made chicks and bunnies from egg cartons.

One of my favorite crafts of the entire year were the clay sunflowers.
 We used air drying clay, painted with acrylics and glazed.
For May Day, which is our equivalent of Mardi Gras carnival madness, the kids decorated fun glasses for themselves.

I love my job.