Friday, September 24, 2010

Inspiroidu #126- your day in numbers

-10 cm-

Took the photo of my snazzy new shoes on against the hotel room window ironwork :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Inspiroidu #125- as told by someone else (and a few more pages too)

-Best day ever-

Niina's dream day was spent in Disneyland, Paris :D

-My manager-

Funny how dependent you get on a small piece of technology..

-FB withdrawal-

I did something funky on this one and used the plastic that my alphabet stickers came in.. I pleated it and then sewed it on top of my title.


Playing hide and seek around a chair is great fun :D

I wanted to use fabric in a slightly different way and ripped four strips that I braided together.

And finally a reminder for my Finnish fellow scrappers.
You still have ONE WEEK to take part in the Inspiroidu monthly contest...
Don't forget the prize is a doozy:
A Project Life set!!!!

Heck I need one of these.
Sadly as a DT member I can't take part.. so I'll just keep dreaming.
But you.. you have a chance to own all this.
So go scrap!
Now! :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey you..ermmm..ghost...

My little ghost girlie is taking shape now.

The base swill be painted in the next few hours.
I ended up making sneakers (they will be pink) and she has a tiny mouse friend.

But she does need a name.
All suggestions happily taken into consideration.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This week

Monday was a Monday.
I am convinced that on Mondays parent's add energy drink instead of milk in their kids' cereal... LOL!

Luckily we had a beautiful afternoon and we could let our club kiddos loose in the park. And then it got interesting..
We got involved in a half hour rescue mission for these two baby bunnies.

They are just about 12cm long.
One of our last years' kids was digging in the sand pit and came to tell us (myself and one of the park ladies) that whilst digging he had touched something with his shovel. He had thought it could be a gold nugget (love this kid...) but then it had moved.
We went to take a look and sure enough two bunnies were in that burrow.
We couldn't leave them there.. someone could have jumped on the burrow and it would have caved in. Now that could have been a nasty surprise to some kid two weeks down the line.
So we started digging the mouth of the burrow wider to reach the babies, with an enthusiastic audience. We finally got them out, but them in this small bucket and they eventually happily hopped off into the bushes.

Now there is a bit we omitted to tell the kids...
These bunnies are a major problem in Helsinki right now. The city has placed traps all around, including the bushes in our play park area. What happens to the caught bunnies?
They end up being dinner to the lions at the zoo.

The days are getting shorter. And there are leaves falling down.
A definite change has happened in the last two weeks.
It's fall alright.

The other evening Niina and I got out the clay. I felt like making something Halloweeny.
Once she's dry, I'll paint her pretty, give her pigtails some bows and find something to attach her to.. needs to be wood, so I can drill holes for her legs. Or hmmm... now that I'm giving it some thought, I think I'll just take the cay out again.. yes.
Sneakers for shoes, what do you think? Or Mary Janes?

Work has been interesting this week. After Monday's rescue mission, I spent most of Tuesday shopping with another school assistant at IKEA.
We had several lists from teachers and bought two cartfuls of pillows, rugs, curtains, plants and boxes. We are making our classrooms cozier :)

This has been my other project:

We got a huge donation of yarns and I've been organizing them into our storage. That's the equivalent of a "car-boot-ful". Translates as "holy cow that's a lot of yarn!".
And before I left on Friday, we got another three bags full to add.. :D

Just a pretty picture.
Love the shadow of her lashes.

I dug around a couple drawers last weekend and found my favorite postcard ever. I put it up to give me a smile.

I love it.
Bogey seems to love it too...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun lens play!

I've been dreaming of having a good macro lens for quite a while, but haven't been able to justify the cost..yet.. :)
This week my Photojojo newsletter brought me a fun idea to try, it was a slightly scary thought, but too intriguing not to try.
So I switched my camera to AV mode, grabbed my 50mm lens, flipped it and held it tight. Then I got really close and held my breath..

Oh my.

Wicked cool.
I'm hooked.