Sunday, June 28, 2009

The botanical gardens

When we reached the gardens I started kicking myself.
And kept kicking myself for the better part of the next two hours...

Because I had opted for my small point and shoot instead of my dear 50D.
All I'm saying is, that I'll be going back here very soon.
Carrying my big camera and my big zoom lens.
You can count on that.

Just look at this place...

And the flowers...
Peonys in full bloom.
And the waterlilies also...

Can you count the shades of green?

We (there were seven women all together) also visited the Worker Housing Museum (Työväenasuntomuseo, vapaa pääsy!) which shows how regular folk lived from the early 1900's on through the war years. I found it very interesting. I need to start visiting more museums in my own town.

We stopped at a lovely café called Salutorget.
This lamp caught my eye.

And not only was the Tuska (=agony... hehee) open air metal music festival making the city rock, it was also the day of the Gay Pride parade.
Even the trams were wearing rainbow flags :)

Made for some great people watching at the railway station I can tell you...
Damn I wish I had had my good camera...

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