Sunday, May 31, 2009

Aaaahhhh.... finally..

It's here.
Summer vacation.
10 weeks of it.
See, there are perks to working at a school :D
Oh and guess what?
Saara got a stipend as well!
Plus a ridiculously amazing report card.
Happy days.
She also got a new bike.
I'll get photos taken soon.
I got a bunch of pretty flowers, loads of chocolate, a couple nice gift cards and the cutest collapsible Marimekko cooler. Photos tomorrow. Promise.
This coming week, I'll be working on miniature stuff as the miniature fair I'll be selling at is next Saturday. Gotta fill that table. Would be easier if I didn't have to fill it with tiny stuff, heh.
It's going to be a scorcher today.
I wouldn't mind that (although heat and I do not mix very well) except I'll be walking 10 kilometers at the Womens' 10 today. Water bottle, yes absolutely... joined at the hip.
There are a bunch of us from work going, this will be my 2nd year. It's good fun. I believe there will be sparkling wine for us at the finish line, courtesy of the school male staff :)
Luckily the route takes us close to the sea, so there will be a nice breeze.
I hope.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Proud Mom time

I never imagined this plaster girl would grace our household.
A Smiling Girl.

This is a very special tradition in Finnish schools.
The recipient is voted by his/her (there is also a smiling boy) classmates and the person qualifies as honest and trustworthy, helpful, happy and leads a healthy lifestyle. It is a once in a lifetime award.

Not only did she get the bust, but also a stipend (what we Finns call small monetary scholarships for work well done).

One proud Mom (behind the camera), one proud teacher (Jenni), one happy principal and one slightly embarrassed Niina.
What a way to end 1st grade!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lions and tigers and bears... oh my!

Tuesday was lovely and sunny.
A perfect day to visit the zoo.

As you can see, our zoo has been around for quite a while.
I really like how the leopard's tail curls.

It was the 1st and 2nd graders class trip day.
There was excitement in the air.
The kids really liked taking the boat over (the zoo is on an island).

The rhododendrums were in full bloom.
Which I found amazing since mine are still in tight buds...

The snow owl just wouldn't turn around..

But there was a bear who took a dip.

And pretty birds in bright feathers.

And small crocs even!

Green lizards.

And green snakes...

The tigers were sleeping, we only saw a glimpse of stripes.

But there were two little ones who stole our hearts.

Sweet little lion cubs.

Under the protective eye of the lioness.

While daddy was taking a nap..hehee..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Band night

Wednesday was school Band Night, the 6th to 9th grade bands performed.
Saara's class played three songs: I'm With You (April Lavigne), Mamma Mia (ABBA) and Livin' on a Prayer (Bon Jovi).

You know what, they were pretty darn good :D

Saara on the bass on Mamma Mia. Olivia singing and Sonja on the clarinet,

Saara-Maija, Saara and Olivia letting it loose singing Bon Jovi.

Mateusz's guitar solo brought out the partying.

And no, I have no idea why the chair was on stage... totally random.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Saturday

You think I can't read your thoughts?
I know you are thinking I'm the world's slowest blogger.. always a week or two behind.
Just you wait until summer vacation!
You won't know what hit you.

Cutie time.

I love newborns... all that eyebrow action.
It's like she's looking at me and wondering what is that black thing you keep sticking at my face..
Hey auntie... just you wait...

OK, so last Saturday was her christening.
Little Julia slept like a log during it all, and boy was my right bicep in pain. This is not a featherweight little chick anymore. Almost 5kg already!
And the priest kept going on and on and on and on and on... seriously, the first christening I've attended where the devil was mentioned, not once but three or four... this was one fire and brimstone kind of priest.

But we did finally get to the christening itself (me with a shaking arm by this this point, heh).

Look at those cheeks.

Her first present from her godmother (that would be me).
I figure you need to start them young ;)

She's so sweet.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Local getaway

I have a garden center walking distance from my house.
It is the perfect weekend getaway on my opinion. It's not the biggest one around, but they have a nice selection. These pictures were taken already on Mothers' Day.. what can I say, I've been slow to proof my photos :P
(if you think some flowers look more red than they should, it's because the canopy above is red..)

This is what I came home with:

The sad truth is that they are still waiting to be planted...
For sure.
It's a church holiday.
Before I start on more water lily ponds, they shall be planted.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I passed I passed I passed...

I've been humming all day...

I passed my final evaluation and have officially finished my studies!!!

{happy dance jig}

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The beauty of spring

(photo taken by Saara)

So typical... rainbows...

..and a hailstorm.

Within hours.

This budding photographer has a new blog devoted to her photos.

She does have an eye for... don't you think?

I really like this one :)
I'll leave you guessing as to what it is...