Thursday, September 29, 2005

Walk in the woods

That tiny yellow spot is my 4 year old... We went on a small adventure to the woods opposite our house. Beautiful sunshine filtering in, smell of fallen leaves and mushrooms, wet moss and cool air.

And color. Contrast.

These woods are my old playground. I know every square meter of them. This picture shows you a bit of the fascination. Back in the days of WW1, this area was the boonies. Big time. Finland had just declared independent from Russia and there were worries that Mother Russia would invade and yank us back in her care. So trenches for defence were dug and built. Right in my neighborhood. They were never needed, luckily.

But they were and still are a cool place to play hide and seek. Or seeing how well you can jump over them. When I was about ten I think, my friend and I had a Dracula-club, we did all sorts of exciting things. I vividly remember one time when we snuck out of my window at midnight to jump over the trenches... and we got away with it. To this day my parents are clueless :o)

My ten year old won't have to sneak... all she needs to do is ask me to come along.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Catching up

It seems I'm continually trying to catch up.
I just have so many things on my to-do-list.
I need more hours in the day...easier said than done when the daylight diminishes by minutes every day, LOL!

I need to make 5 more altered postcards for a swap.
I want to find the perfect cards first.

I need to substitute one DT layout.
I want to work on that one now, but it'll have to wait a few hours.

I need to wash the upstairs windows.
I want to do anything but that. (Sharyn, I need you!!!) :oP

I need to make baby pages for a gift album.
I want to stop procrastinating on this.

I need to pay bills.
I want new shoes...

I need to start thinking about Christmas presents.
I want to move the holidays to January...

I need to....oh so many things...
I want to...sigh...

Guess I'll just go load the washing machine, turn on the dishwasher and head to the grocery store...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's official

The darkness has won.

The autumnal equinox was this week, it won't be until March 2006 that the day wins over the night again.

Time to start planning Christmas lights :oP

Nothing like old friends

My class from The English School got together on Friday. We see each other at least once a year, usually twice. Or maybe four times in the future...this idea was thrown in the air :o) We've known each other for about 30 years, basically we just pick up from where we left off the last time we met. I love hanging out with people where nobody has the urge to put up an act. Not that they'd ever get away with it! It's very comforting.
Back in the days we were dubbed the hugging class. We still do that. A very touchy-feely bunch. The ratio was 10 boys to 20 something girls. On Friday it was 3 guys to 10 gals. The men on the next table just couldn't figure out how these guys got so lucky.
7 hours of laughing, talking, gossiping, laughing, crying, debating and laughing.
Nothing like it.

I *heart* them all.

Friday, September 23, 2005

In love

With this lamp.
Collage by Louise Campbell.

Mika and I visited the Habitare '05 interior decorating exhibit yesterday. This is an exhibit that is in town every second September and in there you can find everything and anything the inside of your house will ever need.

And some things you didn't know you needed until you saw them. Like the lamp.

We have been sort of looking for a floor lamp for that empty corner in our livingroom. We both had agreed that it should be something that makes you go'wow'. This certainly made us stop and go 'WOW'. The diameter of the lamp is about 2 feet. It is majestic.

Price tag for this in a smokey color (not the white) is 1100 euros, about $1300.

Ridiculous, yes. But we are in love... I'm betting that within the next 12 months this lamp will be standing in our livingroom and we'll still be giddy over it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Friends ROCK!

As do tootsie rolls!! Such a colorful plate...hate to eat them...although the lime ones are yummy!

I got such a cool surprise in the mail yesterday.
Well, technically I knew it was on its way, but I had no idea what I'd find inside the box...

So Jill, I know you are reading this, my jaw hit the floor when I opened the box!
Just how big is that basket of yours??? My order is still in there, I just dumped that bag of ribbon on top!
*silly grin*

My ribbon collection just doubled in size, I giddyly organized it for hours.

See how good it looks now all on their cards. I need to go pick up another container though LOL!

-Kindness and generosity to strangers.-
Not strangers as such, I do know so many scrappers I call friends but have only met them online. People I consider family. Funny how a few years back I thought online friendships were for the lonely sad creatures who didn't have any human interaction. I'm glad I took that step online, I would have missed out on some very special friendships with people I know I'll cherish and hope to meet some day.


Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm shopped out.

I know, hard to believe, but true.
In the past week I've bought new stuff for myself and the girls.
I've learned from the past that if I see something that I like and it fits, just to buy it and not regret it two weeks later. So I've bought a couple tops, a knit, a purse and a pair of really great shoes. I was lucky to find my fave shoe label Gabor at just $70 a pair. Sounds a bit pricey but the normal price runs at $125 and they fit like a glove. The store had gotten in a special shipment of what they call 'model shoes' a pair or two in each style in odd sizes. Only this time time they were ALL in my size. Heaven. I ooohhed and aaahhed over four pairs that fit perfectly. Shoes to die for. And my stingy husband only let me buy one pair. *sigh*
Mind you I'll be downtown this coming Friday and I'll be sure to check if they still have any left.
Yes, the knowledge of the cute green and pink and black shoes going to waste is eating at me...

As for the girls, they have grown heaps over the summer! Saara is easy to buy for, anything hip will be fine. Niina on the other hand has developed a serious issue with buttons. She will not wear clothes with buttons, even if they are there for a purely decorative use. It calls for bribery to get her wear the buttoned clothes already in her wardrobe.
"I'll buy you this pretty sparkly butterfly shirt if you'll wear that jeans skirt with the one button"
And the thing is, you just can't argue with her. She'll flat out refuse to wear 'the stupid clothes', that's a direct quote. She still needs a pair of pants, but I'm tired of shopping.
She makes it so hard. I mean shopping should be fun retail therapy, not something that gives you stress, right?
Ask me again next week, ok?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

OK, let's talk hunks ;o)

Thought it was time for a little saturday night fun.
So I challenge you to name your top 5 (no DH's allowed!) either in a comment here or on your own blog.

1. Johnny Depp

2. George Clooney
It's those eyes...

3. Viggo Mortensen
Love the bohemian artist 'thing'

4. Roman Sebrle
I'll watch this decathlonist anytime!

5. Bono
Just sexy as heck.

And this, this is just for Shelby :o)
Ville Valo of HIM in his short hair....

Thursday, September 15, 2005

My mornings

7.30am my alarm goes off , on Wednesdays an hour earlier.
Breakfast for the kiddos.
Turn on the computer and read my emails.
Make snacks for the the girls. (Niina only needs one for preschool mon-wed)
Surf online. I check on my TIPster gals and the 2Peas Pub.
Comb Saara's hair and send her out the door.
Mon-Wed at this point I need to get dressed, comb Niina's hair and take her to preschool. We walk and leave the house at 8.45am.
Other mornings, I still try to read a few blogs ;o)
9.00am I turn on the morning news on tv and make my breakfast.
9.15 I start multitasking. I eat, read the newspaper and watch a British show called Heartbeat (about life in a Yorkshire village. You have your cops, kids, pub owners, doctors and the village nut).
10.05 Close the tv and brush my teeth.
The days Niina is in preschool this is the time I can scrapbook or work on the computer.
Today instead I was a customer at her post office and magazine store.
This is also the time I start on laundry if needed.

I like my routine. Hate days when I can't have it my way.
I'm such a creature of habit.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Today it's fall

The first real fall storm is on us.
Rain, gale force winds, thunder and lightning.
I'm loving it.

There are yellow leaves dancing wildly in the air, the chestnut tree branch is banging the side of the house and I can stay in and watch it through the window, all comfy and warm.
Tonight I'll light candles and sit by the fireplace.
Now who's got a good book for me?

Lapland already got its first snow over the weekend...
That is only a 10 hour drive north of me.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The cat has left the building

Ever heard this saying:
When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table.
Dear hubby left for a two day business trip and it didn't take me long to reclaim the space his laptop usually occupies (on the far side of the lamp). The desk is mine again.
All mine.

Though it looks like I have no room to dance there now.

Friday, September 09, 2005


You know what really sucks?
Biting your tongue so badly it still hurts three days later!
It is just cruel that eating chocolate hurts...

What color is my life?

With two girls in the house, is there really any doubt?
Laundry is one of the chores I do enjoy. Sorting, hanging and folding. I don't own a dryer so I line hang everything. I hang it outside from June to September. These are the last days for laundry to dry outside, it is getting cooler. And rainier! Very soon I'll have to fit it all in the basement.
I'm washing darks and reds today, and possibly a load of sheets if it doesn't start raining. I see some grey clouds out there...
And I'll enjoy every minute!
Unfortunately I also have to vacuum today *sigh*

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What made me smile today?

* Amazement over just how many pieces a small alarm clock amounts to after being thrown on the floor. Or something like that...all I got from Saara was a handful of clock parts and a mumble about some accident due to making her bed. I'm not sure I want to know more. She was grumpy. I wisely hid my smile.

* Niina's little hand grasping a hold of mine while we walked to preschool.

* Fun thread on the PUB board on 2Peas.

* Finding an interview of a friend in the newspaper.

* The October Creating Keepsakes in my mailbox!!!

* Reading Tia's blog entry http:// (don't know how to make that link look savvy)

* Giving away a big pile of Mika's clothes away. Now I have room for my clothes in the closet!

* Walking to the store and immediately knowing what to make for dinner. Now that is cool.

* The rare sunny and warm fall day. I'm hoping we got all our September rain in August.

* It's only coming up on 3pm and there is no reason why my day should go downhill from here ;o)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Saara's new haven

In hot pink and chartreuse.
A totally cool room!

We still need to find a set of drawers for under the desk and a low sideboard for schtuff.
Here are some photos of the room itself and some details.

The room has a funky vaulted ceiling that made placing furniture challenging...
And you can tell I'm not 'faking' these photos...yes those are dirty underwear on the floor...sigh... OK, so she is still missing a hamper too :oP

Love this's even called 'Happy'!
The pink organza thingy with lights inside is was started the pink paint hunt.

This is a wardrobe I found at IKEA, it came with plain white curtains, but I soon fixed that. I took apart some cheap H&M jewelry and tied the beads onto the twill on the key.

The lamp is a work in progress. For one it needs wiring. Then it badly needs new shades. Cream, simple ones I think. I'm happy this lamp has found a home. It was carved by my great uncle in the 50's, such intricate work. I love it even more because I knew the man who made it.

The new stereos! These will eventually reside on the sideboard. Once we find one...

And finally some pretty sparkly butterfly magnets. We painted magnetic paint under the pink layer. Not as effective as I thought... maybe it needed a third layer, but I was getting carpal from painting on two layers of the gunk. I might try with some BIG magnets.

Think pink!

The disco ball

On the banner up there, that's the one...
Saara got it as a birthday present 2 years ago. There was no place in the girls room to hang it up, so I hung it from the curtain rod in my scraproom.

I love funky and it looked cool hanging there.
I hung colored Christmas lights on it during the winter time.
And once the sun started climbing up at the right spot my room turned into something magical. It sparkled. It made me smile. Instant pick-me-up.

Now it's all gone... Saara's new room had a place for it. I had to relinquish the disco ball to its rightful owner.
I have this feeling that the next time I'm downtown I'll go looking for a smaller one to call my own.
I miss the magic.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Holy cow!

One with wings!
Due to hurricane Katrina wreaking havoc on the other side of the globe, I'm paying $7 a gallon for gas!!!
Make that a DOUBLE OUCH!!

But I am happy to have my friend Nancy and her family, from Gulfport MS, safe and sound.

Most of last week was a blur of sneezing and running errands. I baked. And baked some more.

The birthday girl had fun at her parties on Friday and Saturday. She is now 10 and an extremely exited owner of new stereos.
Meanwhile her sister thought it was so unfair that Saara got most (not all...) of the presents. She particularly resented the fact that Saara got three pens with [gasp] butterflies.
I have a hunch she'll survive the pain though...