That tiny yellow spot is my 4 year old... We went on a small adventure to the woods opposite our house. Beautiful sunshine filtering in, smell of fallen leaves and mushrooms, wet moss and cool air.
And color. Contrast.
These woods are my old playground. I know every square meter of them. This picture shows you a bit of the fascination. Back in the days of WW1, this area was the boonies. Big time. Finland had just declared independent from Russia and there were worries that Mother Russia would invade and yank us back in her care. So trenches for defence were dug and built. Right in my neighborhood. They were never needed, luckily.
But they were and still are a cool place to play hide and seek. Or seeing how well you can jump over them. When I was about ten I think, my friend and I had a Dracula-club, we did all sorts of exciting things. I vividly remember one time when we snuck out of my window at midnight to jump over the trenches... and we got away with it. To this day my parents are clueless :o)
My ten year old won't have to sneak... all she needs to do is ask me to come along.