Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost a year...

I have been very bad about updating this.  But think of all you have to look at now.  We tried the private thing and it didn't work, too many people were totally blocked.  So instead just clicked off the search engine availability.  We've had a lot going on. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into our lives.  I promise to try and keep this updated more often.  Key word: TRY!!!!

5th grade promotion

5th grade promotion day 
Caden earned the Presidential Fitness Award, we are just calling it the United States Fitness Award. 
So proud of his promotion certificate.

Rhett's 14th

Rhett is 14!!!  He wanted a GPS for geocaching, his new hobby.  He also had to work at a scout fundraiser the same day.  He wasn't too excited to have to do something he didn't want to on his birthday.  We told him, welcome to life. :)

Mormon Prom

Our stake here does a Mormon Prom.  There is a dinner and a dance at beautiful home here.  It's for the Priests and Laurels and is totally FREE!!!!
Makenna and Shawn Chidister 


My Mom, Allison, Kai and Reese came for a visit in March and picked up something along the way.  This is Natalee, Makennan's BFFL, best friend for life.  My Mom picked her up in Utah and brought her down without Makenna knowing.  It was a great surprise.

Caden's 11

  Since we were moving last year on his birthday, he got to have a small party.  Just a few friends and cousins, pizza and video games.
 Reece, Caden, Troy, Jacob, Emily and Logan
Ahhhh-the Legos!!!!

Sweet 16

Makenna had her Sweet 16 this year.  She wanted a Call of Duty tournament!!