Oh how I love Halloween, but for some reason I always seem to be in a bit of chaos and don't get to really enjoy it these last few years. And well, this year was no exception. I'm just super grateful, that when I was in Arizona earlier this year Wendie gave me the costume. I do love the idea of me making great creative costumes...but I have years and years of that stress coming, why start now?
I am still timid to volunteer myself to take pictures or when I actually take the photos I get all sweaty and nervous that I'm going to royally mess us. I'm a complete stress case until I get home and upload the photos on the computer and I can inspect them up close.
Last week our Relief Society President said the we were in charge of the photo booth and she had a few ideas, but she was having a hard time with her hard drive and you could just see the stress on her face. Her husband is running for State Senate and I can't even imagine their schedule these last few weeks until Election Day. Anyway, I raised my hand and said "I can do it." OY!!!! Luckily, the back drop was in her garage from last year and was perfect. The only imperfect part, was I forgot to iron it. I spent the last few days "ironing" the moon with the iphoto brush tool. Good times. One of these days I will learn photoshop right?
Anyway, we set up and take a few shots to check the light and wait for the backdrop to show up. Got a few fake trees from the RS room to add a bit of depth. We used Jim's big balloon lights to be the moonlight. I wanted the list to simulate the moon, but then it ended up being too dark to really see the costumes and the faces. Needless to say I had to adjust almost all the photos post. Oh well.
I love this face, she scrunches her chin back, her eyes get squinty and she gives this wet throaty chuckle. It's adorable. She really liked sitting on the stumps.
I was kinda stuck in the photo room for the night, so Jim got to walk around with her. I was going to close the room for a few minutes to walk with her, but she is still so little and doesn't really get what is going on. So, I didn't end up doing that. Plus all she did was walk around the gym anyway. The costume was so great, the tail would waddle when she walked so it looked like she really was swimming.
There was this cute little boy dressed as a shark. They were "swimming" way too fast to get a good photo, but they were cute.
Cute Logan helped her play a little hockey...she had a fun time at that booth.
Since most of you, in fact probably all of you do not live here I thought I'd let you in on the friends we've made.
These are the Tanners, this is who we cut meat with. Fun side note, Jon's little brother Rob (who is working in Alaska for a few months) went to Tucson on his mission. I told him that's where I was from and that we housed missionaries. He said, "do you have a tennis court?" Uh, yeah! He totally went to my house when he was on his mission back in the day. We even have a few mutual friends. Fun small world eigh? Anyway, Jon is a dentist...cute appropriate costumes.
These are the Nursery Leaders. Charlie has a great time going to Church, and aren't they so cute? They hung out with me in the photo room and passed out candy for me.
This is Sarah, my Visiting Teacher. I loved their costumes, probably my favorite of the evening.
This is Kyle, our babysitter. Three Men and a Baby...get it? At first it was just the three friends getting their picture taken, but since they really weren't dressed up Kyle was like "I need Charlie, I need Charlie." He's a great kid...I mean guy!
These are the Ashcrafts, Kyle's parents. They have been super helpful in being our friends and including us in activities. They were a key friendship when we first got here making us feel so welcome.
I think it's kinda early for Charlie to have a best friend, but you really can tell who she likes to play with. There is this 3 year old girl at the gym named Ryan who squeals Charlie when she comes in. They always hug hello and goodbye. Even the other kids in the gym with call to Ryan when Charlie comes in. "Ryan Ryan, Charlie's here." It's cute. Anyway, I have only heard her say one name and that is this girl, Jillian. She calls her "joojoo." And, seriously what's not to love?
How sad is this picture...all alone. I was only testing the lighting again, but of course I didn't get a picture with all of us. It's not like we were all dressed up or anything, well, I had cat ears and painted whiskers on my face. Which turned out not to be the best idea, I kept rubbing the black on my nose on the back of my camera, Hello! Lame.
It's not Halloween without candy.
Well, there you go. Happy Halloween!!