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Showing posts with the label New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve!

The year 2012 went by so fast. When time seems to rush you through like that, there are two ways to look at things. One is to act panicky and beaten wondering where the year mysteriously went. The other is to look back with gratitude at the year that was and happily look forward to an amazing and fabulous year to come.   Remember guys that it’s within our well power to change our lives. We are responsible for how we feel and what we do. Nobody can make you feel anything! Only you! Be in charge of your life! Honey!   Hola 2013! I'm gonna let the pictures speak the evening.   I made no resolutions for this New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me... so let’s not talk about 2012 anymore and put all the focus on 2013! I love to start a new chapter. Life is Good!