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Showing posts with the label Monday change or not to change!

Well Monday is here again. While this of course means the weekend is over, it also means a new week of unlimited potential lies ahead and I do hope this ideas will help you have a happy, productive and meaningful week:)  picture via google To Change or Not to Change? I believe we absolutely can change, if we really want to. The key is in deciding what it is about yourself that you want to change, and then stopping first to consider why. I would never again want to change to make another person happy. I actually believe it's impossible to make anyone else happy. We can each only make ourselves happy. So changing in order to make someone happy is inevitably going to be frustrating and, likely, ineffective. But changing because you want to make yourself happier, that to me is a worthy reason to change. And, really, the only worthwhile reason. Life is good!  -have a great week-


We are human because sometimes we feel like outcasts or weirdos, but that is just something that makes  us  unique. Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and that some days you are the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that's just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you'll respect yourself. I came across with this wonderful  pictures and inspirational thoughts from tumblr that I feel empowered, inspired and I thought of sharing.   Life is Good! And if you have much time please visit this Blog< click here> . I was a guest post last week for "Monday Inspiration"..thank you Starlight..much love:) -have a great start of the week-