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Showing posts with the label Fifty shades of Grey

Fifty shades of Grey

Fifty shades of Grey or better known as “mummy porn”. First published as en e-book, it has outstripped both JK Rowling’s boy wizard and Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code by selling 550,000 copies quicker than any other paperback. source I love how the author took this whole exploration of sexuality thing and set it to the back drop of a major life milestone. I enjoyed how Ana’s friends and family all commented on how she was changing. My favorite part of the book is the email dialogue between the characters; it was the highlight of the book for me. It’s where the real honesty of the story lies but I don’t know if I would recommend this for my friends or others? Maybe:). The book is categorized as erotica by publisher but not descriptive enough for erotica. I think this is a good proving ground but if you like it then you may be ready two move on to a more intense read. Who has read it? Feel free to share your reviews.:) Oh yes! Christian Grey you blow my mind! you stretched half of its ...