Here are some two month old pictures of Beckham my sister Heather took them.

He was 14 lbs and 2 oz 93.94%
24.5 inches 93.06%

His two month birthday also fell on Steve and my 3 year anniversary so we went to PF Changs while the Buells watched the Beckster.

Here are some other fun pictures for the month Isla and Beckham matching with the cute things Heather made for them.

Steve also had his 30th Birthday as well.

Dad and Baby on his 30th birthday.

Beckham sure misses his snuggles with his aunt Katie.

Grandma squeezing in some loves.

Grandpa watching sports with Beckham.

The BYU game just wore him out.

We brought him to work and he looked like such a big boy.

Beckham misses napping with Grandma.

Little BYU twins.