A sad day, we loved his preschool. Ms.Meagan, Tonya, Diane, Lindsay and all the therapists have helped him as much as they could. He missed most of the last month due to congestion and lack of energy, so I wish he could have some "make up days". When he is feeling good, you can see his excitement for circle time songs, O.T. activities and the personal attention. For kindergarten he will go to the classroom across the hall, so we can sneak in some visits.
These cute 6th graders actually came on their recess to play with everyone in the class!
Ammon had new ear tubes put in May 31st, and it has been night and day with his interaction and smiles. His seizures have been minimal, so we are starting to see "our Ammon" again. He responds to daddy coming home, familiar songs and silly activities and words that used to make him laugh. It's like we found the light switch to turn on. So I have been busy playing with my little boy again. I feel like telling everyone, come over and see him play on the floor, he'll even say hi(shout out) to you. He's a different kid when he's not strapped in his wheelchair.
We were able to go to a "special needs" night at the zoo. We ran into our "celebrities" the families who are involved with eagle eyes. Brian has watched that documentary as many times as our kids have watched Kung Fu panda. If you haven't seen it go to www.byutv.org....Watch....The Clarks & Eagle Eyes. When Ammon is doing well we have a lot of hope for him and with our run in, we exchanged information and hope to try it out.
We really enjoyed the evening feeling at home with everyone else pushing their children around in wheelchairs. They had so many volunteers to do extraordinary face painting, feeling animal skins and making sure everyone in wheelchairs could see. It was a wonderful event.
The kids loved their amazing face paints, Brynn wants a butterfly on her face everyday now.
Coleson finished 2nd grade and will actually have more than 3 weeks for summer break.(12 yikes) I actually like year round for the fact that Coleson rarely gets bored and it's nice to have breaks every few months. He finished with the AR award for most reading, had a great choir performance and danced in his second grade performance. He was not looking forward to holding hands, but he liked the singing part.
Oh, and in April I ran the Salt Lake Half Marathon. Here's my supportive family!