Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Coleson!!

Coleson turned 7! Seven sounds so old, he's not my little boy anymore. I am having a hard time at letting him grow up. It has been his birthday the whole week-actually ever since Ammon's birthday was over. Every time I would ask him to do something he didn't want to, he would say "remember it's my birthday." He really does help me a lot when Brian is out of town and it's not always fun for him.
He had a Bakugan party because "that's all I want for my birthday." We thought it would be fun to "train" his cousins and a few neighbor friends in being Bakugan brawlers. I am so thankful for him and his wonderful personality. I think it's been hard for him to not get all the attention now that everything is 'how's Ammon', 'what's Brynn doing now?' Just looking back at our posts I realized he has really been blog-neglected. He gets his fair share of fun though. My extra time revolves around Coleson and trying to enrich his life with fun. I try not to make our blog into boasting about our kids, but its his birthday so here we go.

Coleson is awesome! He cracks us up. Here's a sample. We had an insulation installer come over to give us a quote a while ago. The guy was going over the numbers with me and Coleson starts asking how much is it going to be. Installer: "Well it's a lot of money." Coleson: "Well we've been spending a lot of money on our basement and my little brother because he has Down syndrome. Like we had to get him a wheelchair and it cost more money than our car. I mean, are you kidding me?! There's no A/C, no radio and it costs more than our car." Installer: "You know you are cracking me up!" Coleson: "I know, I am really funny. I am really smart too because I go to this special class where I learn different languages, like do you know how to say hi in Chinese." Installer: "No." Coleson: "Well I do, it's 'Ne how', and I can write the numbers (shows him) 5,6,8,9. Installer: "What about 7?" Coleson: "Well I forgot, so do your kids like Legos, because I am the Lego master. Oh do you have a Wii because I am so good at Mario Cart...."

I usually have to tell Coleson it's time to stop talking and go do something else. We could be at any store or place and the cashier will know our whole life story in 5 minutes. It is nice that he is so social. I am afraid that he is starting to get a little attitude though at school with his teacher because he "knows it all." Here's another example: He came home from school last week and said that he was a little late for his ALS class. Me: "Why, what happened? Coleson: well my teacher made me finish cutting out and coloring a caterpillar. I mean what's more important, coloring and pasting a caterpillar or learning how to fold a panda. Hello? Folding a panda." Me: "Yea, definitely"--trying not to laugh because he is so serious about it. A few months ago we started letting him watch cartoons on saturday mornings with the intent that we could sleep in--I forgot we have other kids who get us up earlier. He ocassionally sees a few infomercials during his cartoon time. One day I told him we were going as soon as I finished doing my hair. Coleson: "Mom, you should get a Bumpit." Me: "A what?" Coleson: "A Bumpit, your hair will look pretty in seconds and last all day long, it's comfortable and wearable all day long." He is the a pro at quoting infomercials when you really need it. Like when ever we mention how much something costs he tells us that "all we have to do is get a free envelope from "cashforgold," get our old and broken jewelery and send it in, easy fast cash probably more than the highest number we can count, like this one old lady said she got $147..."

He finished up the soccer season a few weeks ago and I actually caught him scoring a goal on my camera! He loves soccer. He plays at recess everyday and got a lot better this year.

Coleson also did swimming and baseball. He can swim now and loved jumping off the "plank board".

Coleson was on the same baseball team with kids we know in our neighborhood, so that was fun. Here is crazy hair day at school. Coleson loves Bakugans, Legos, riding bikes, and reading. He is reading chapter books and loves math! We love you Coleson!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Fun

We had a great Halloween. Coleson decided a long time ago that he wanted to be a Lego person. The he decided Lego Indiana Jones. So I went on a quest to find a costume-but there was none to be found. Since I have so much free time(ha ha) and with his time off track we made our own Lego costume. I could never get the legs right so we made due with a box top and shoes, and accessories. Ammon was a gecko and Brynn a Ladybug. Brian and I dressed up as a "50's Grease" couple.

We had a trial run with costumes for Ammon's Bday party, then the day before Halloween Brynn learned how to trick or treat. At Brian's work they had a party and the kids went around to all the offices and cubicles to get treats. Brynn caught on very fast how to walk pick stuff out of a bucket and put it in hers. She's already showing signs of a true girl by carrying buckets around like purses on her arm. She threw a fit when we had to stop taking things from people. So Halloween night I thought I would walk up with her to every other house. She wanted nothing to do with "every other" part. Luckily, I have some very nice neighbors who helped me push Ammon and walk up with Brynn. She would mumble something with the rest of the kids and get her candy. She is also not afraid to eat right through the paper or plastic to get the sugar-remember my Disneyworld post about eating through the poncho- plastic does not stop this girl. We were so glad it didn't snow and I took all three kids out for an hour. Ammon enjoyed being outside and getting things in his bucket. Last year Coleson was so excited he ran so fast I couldn't keep up. This year it was perfect because he had rectangle box "Lego" shoes to slow him down. Brian had fun at home passing out candy and playing games with kids to earn "bonus" candy. We also carved a lot of pumkins. Lego Indiana Jones and a ladybug for our city's pumpkin walk, R2D2 for mutual, and at the top picture you can barely see "Bob" from Monster's vs Aliens with a few monster friends. I think Coleson has taken up my passion for carving pumpkins.

Here are the monster cheese fingers from the party.