Friday, January 30, 2009

Chuck This...

This one is for you Mom (Brian's Mom)...We love you!!!

It’s my Mom’s birthday this week and, well, let’s just say she is three decades older than me (do the math if you so desire). For her birthday she asked that we take her for a fun family bowling event followed by a nice family dinner. Apparently, Chuck a Rama is the restaurant of preference for many of our local older citizens (I refuse to label my Mom just yet as a senior citizen). Mom’s partial reasoning is that Chuck a Rama is just a quick convenient choice where people can get whatever they want whenever they want (the choice is yours, right). I ask myself, "Isn’t that how all restaurants operate?" When it comes to Chuck a Rama, I believe there is a yet an undiscovered gene that remains dormant until you reach 60 something. At which point there is an irresistible urge to eat at large buffet style restaurants before 4:00 p.m. with all children and grandchildren in tow. I don’t get it yet, but I expect I will someday. I usually try to make the best of it by enlisting Coleson and a few unsuspecting nephews into a professional scone eating contest (bunch of amateurs).

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Updates on the basement

We have been requested to show our latest basement developments. The drywall is done. We have primed and painted the ceiling. The most exciting thing is our fireplace rockwork is done. It looks awesome. Brian and I actually made our own mantel -after seeing the price of real ones, we thought i bet we could make our own for a lot cheaper, we've watched enough HGTV to do it ourselves. I started painting around the fireplace because I was so excited to get color on the wall. I was told to wait until the baseboards are up before I do more. My sister-in-law helped me pick out colors-thanks Jill. We ordered doors and lights, so we just have to wait for those and pick out carpet and tile. I had to break the news to Coleson this week that we had to push back the delivery date of his furniture until the end of February. So hopefully in a month we will be able to post pictures of a finished basement.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Power of Friendship...

Ammon has a special friend! Please click on the link to read all about it and see their picture. Shayla and Ammon!