Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mini Vacation in Yellowstone

We decided to get away for a few days and go to Yellowstone. I am starting to feel the countdown until our baby girl comes, so it was time to go do something fun and before i really can't move anymore. We stayed with my brother Seth and his wife Amanda and their adorable 6 month old-Kayla in Rexburg, ID. Coleson and Ammon both had fun watching her. Brian and I had a great time driving around campus and reminiscing the good old Ricks days. It was awesome to see the new temple. We ate at Craigos-which has changed by the way, to a gourmet pizza sit down restaurant(still good pizza but no big(the best ever) breadsticks or occasional live entertainment(the location has also changed). We then got ice cream at Millhollow-which has not changed a bit. Yellowstone was way cool. We saw plenty of bison and Old Faithful explode. Coleson was all about the explosions. Coleson earned the title and badge of Junior Ranger. When we were at the ranger station we didn't expect the ranger to announce it to the whole store and have everyone give him a round of applause. It is a rare occasion to see Coleson get shy and embarrassed with rosy cheeks. We had a great time enjoying nature and rare sights of the world.

Coleson Scores!

Coleson had a blast playing soccer for his first time. His team was called Hot Lava Rocks and he was #2. His favorite positions were goalie and defender-- which he was awesome at both. He learned quickly how to head off the Bunch going toward the goal and boot it away. He also made a goal in one of the games which he explains bounced off the girl goalies knee-hey a goal is a goal. I had to try not to laugh too much at the bunch ball entertainment. You could always tell where Coleson was because of his constant laugh/yelling, jumping up and down every time he kicked or missed the ball. Out of all that, however, his favorite part was getting the treat at the end--capri suns or gaterade with a rice crispy treat or cookie-you just can't compete with that.