Coleson and I went to the Jazz game on Saturday night and Coleson's dreams came true bigger and better than any of us ever dreamed. To preface, you need to understand Coleson's love for the Jazz Bear. There are many nights when Coleson will run around the house with a shirt stuck on the top of his head, yelling the he is the Jazz Bear (the Jazz Bear wears a headband). To Coleson, the Jazz Bear is not only real, but is one of his friends.
It was moderately cold outside, so Coleson was dressed in his favorite basketball shirt, hooded sweatshirt, Raiders snow hat (courtesy of "Paki" Steve), and carried his Jazz Bear lunch box and "I Love Jazz Bear" sign that Summer had helped Coleson make. At the last minute I decided to bring the camera just in case we needed it for something special. We parked at my work so we could ride Trax over to the game (only about a two block ride, but well worth the ride). Trax is our light transit and Coleson loves to ride the train. We arrived at the Delta Center, and Coleson could hardly contain his excitement, with lunch box, sign, and ticket in hand we were almost running to the front doors. Coleson and I got wanded over by security, then Coleson gave his ticket to the ticket man (Coleson has been talking about showing his ticket to the ticket man ever since we found out we were going to the game). Once inside, we headed right for our seats. We had some sweet seats. Section 6, row 5, seats 15 and 16, right next to the aisle, right down close to the court. We arrived at the game plenty early and we saw the Jazz and Mavericks warm up. It was awesome to be that close, you could actually see the sweat on the foreheads of the players. We were sitting with two of my friends from work, whom Coleson just loves, Harmer Dog and his wife Cassie. Coleson was cheering most of the time, he was really big on the "D-fense" cheer. Nearly the whole game Coleson was standing on his chair with his arm around my shoulder, I was a very proud Dad to say the least. At half time we went and got hot dogs, chips, and drinks. Cassie asked Coleson if would be able to eat his whole hotdog. It's almost like he just looked at her and said semi-sarcastically, "Please...apparently you don't know me and hotdogs." He finished his about the same time I finished mine. So we are having a great time at the Jazz game, we are sitting with Harmer Dog, we've had hot dogs and popcorn, and Coleson and I are finally doing something awesome together, just the two of us. If the night ended right here it would have been perfect, I know I didn't think things could get any better.
Suddenly the Jazz Bear races up the stairs right next to us to do something silly to a fan 10 or so rows above us. I ask Coleson if he wants to say Hi to the Jazz Bear and he walks out to the aisle holding his "I Love Jazz Bear" sign. The Jazz Bear starts coming back down the aisle, sees Coleson, gets all surprised, kicks his legs out and sits right down on the steps. Coleson is immovable with joy. The Jazz Bear gets up and comes down to Coleson to give him a high five. I'm fumbling with the camera trying to get a picture of the Jazz Bear and Coleson. The Jazz Bear does not appear entirely pleased with my picture taking abilities and finally picks up Coleson and poses for a good picture. Coleson is clearly in heaven and at a total loss for words, just all smiles. The Jazz Bear puts Coleson down, gives him a thumbs up and bounds down the stairs. Everyone around us is cheering for Coleson and the Jazz Bear.
Later the Jazz Dancers come running up the aisle passing out mini Jazz balls. Coleson again heads out to the aisle, uses his incredible charm, and immediately scores a mini Jazz ball from one of the dancers. "All right," I'm thinking, "we've had pictures with the Jazz Bear, we've got a mini Jazz ball, we are good to go, it can't get any better."
A timeout is called and everyone is sitting in their chairs waiting for the game to resume. I notice the Jazz Bear is about halfway across the court and he appears to be heading our way. He’s carrying a full size basketball, with his picture on it, it's an official Jazz Bear basketball. He stops at the bottom of our aisle and starts looking around. "He's gotta be looking for Coleson," I think. I pick Coleson up and stand up. The Jazz Bear sees us and points right at Coleson. He bounds up the stairs, stops in front of Coleson, and extends the basketball right into his arms. Coleson is in awe once again, and I hold the ball up against his chest so it doesn't fall. The Jazz Bear gives Coleson another thumbs up and heads back down the stairs. Mission Accomplished! I realize that everyone around us is cheering. They were cheering for Coleson. Not to sound to cheesy, but I almost get a little choked up here. I just can't believe it. We'd been watching the Jazz Bear the entire game, getting pictures with other kids, playing pranks on people, doing dunks, etc. Not once did he return to bring a full size Jazz Bear ball. We were just so happy for Coleson. Coleson has been talking about and holding that ball tight ever since. Now Coleson says when he grows up, in addition to being a snowboarder and football player, he has now added basketball player to the list.
On our way out, I ask Coleson if he wants to send the Jazz Bear a letter. Coleson replies that he wants to send a letter that says thank you, include a picture that he has drawn, and include a picture of him and the Jazz Bear. The night was memorable in every way, and I’m so glad that for once in what seems like a long time, I was there to share it with him.