Saturday, October 13, 2007

68: Sands of Love and Lust

We just blew out the candle on the birthday cake and have a new show up, with some (hopefully) familiar names sprinkled in.

Dime No. 68: Sands of Love and Lust

The Pursuit "All The Things I Hate" (from The Secret To Life Is..., 2007) Buy the CD
Man Bites God "Pareidolia Now" (from Peppermint Superfrog, 2007)
Shannon Hurley "Where I Stand" (from Ready To Wake Up, 2007)
Brian Setzer Orchestra "One More Night With You" (from Wolfgang's Big Night Out, 2007)
Billy Falcon "Better Than A Girl" (from Made Man, 2006) Buy the CD
The Eisenhowers "South of Love"
Anthony Rankin "Under The Radar" (from The Distance, 2007) Buy the CD
Jen Elliott & Bluestruck "Blue Fog" (from 8 Days Down, 2006) Buy the CD
Iron and Wine "Boy With A Coin" (from The Shepherd's Dog, 2007)
Joe Shade "Nickel and Dime"

Total Time—34:11

Sunday, September 30, 2007

67: Nothin' You Can Buy

It's another excellent show featuring some old favorites and some new ones. As mentioned, check out The Time Machine and Pop Garden Radio, streaming on the web every Saturday.

Dime No. 67: Nothin' You Can Buy

1990s "See You At The Lights" (from Cookies, 2007)
Kelly's Lot "Drive"
Spanking Charlene "Groundhog's Day" (from Dismissed With A Kiss, 2007)
The Corner Laughers "You Two Are The Ones" (from Tomb of Leopards, 2006) Buy the CD
The Automatic Rhythm Section "20th Century Restaurant" (from The Automatic Rhythm Section, 2007)
DigiVegas Promo (
Petra Haden "Don't Stop Believin'" (from Guilt By Association, 2007)
Nelson Bragg "Forever Days" (from Day Into Night, 2006) Buy the CD
The Alrights "Heaven Sends Her Regards" (from High School, 2006) Buy the CD
The Portraits "Bangkok" (from Kin, 2006) Buy the CD
The Superfantastics "Back To The Future III" (from Pop-Up Book, 2007) Buy the CD

Total Time—38:05

Friday, September 21, 2007

66: Zeroes and Ones

Apologies for not recording a show last weekend. Music was compiled but time got away from me and, before I knew it, it was Monday morning and time for work.

The promo in this episode is for Anji Bee's Chillcast. If you have trouble figuring out how to spell her website, just click on the link:

Dime No. 66: Zeroes and Ones

Homespun "A Friends of Ours" (from Sexready Mind Control, 2007)
Metro Station "Kelsey" (from Metro Station, 2007)
Tripsitter "Last September" (from California Son, 2004) Buy the CD
880 South "Effects of Sunshine" (from Beware, 2006) Buy the CD
Paulson "Calling On You" (from All At Once, 2007)
Curious "Hollywood" (from Curious EP, 2006)
Rilo Kiley "Science Vs. Romance" (from Takeoffs and Landings, 2001)
The Grey Race "Through Your Eyes" (from Give It Love, 2007)
Echoing August "A Song From Yesterday" (from Who We Are, 2006) Buy the CD
Hoolapoppers "Phoebe Cates (Is Dead)" (from Trout Farm, 1999) Buy the CD

Total Time—40:48

Sunday, September 09, 2007

65: A Show You've Got To Hear

Bonus show. Less talk. More rawlk.

Dime No. 65: A Show You've Got To Hear

Leerone "Care For Some Whiskey?" (from Imaginary Biographies, 2007) Buy the CD
Peter, Bjorn and John "Young Folks (Radio Mix)" (from Young Folks, 2007)
Pinback "From Nothing to Nowhere" (from Autumn of the Seraphs, 2007)
The Break Mission "Emily" (from The Break Mission, 2005) Buy the CD
Jet Lag Gemini "Run This City" (from Fire The Cannons, available October 9, 2007)
The Queue "One Chance"
Strangers In Wonderland "Addicted"
Two Loons For Tea "Monkey" (from Nine Lucid Dreams, 2007)
Tripsitter "On and On" (from California Son, 2004) Buy the CD
The Stone Coyotes "Fire It Up" (from Fire It Up, 2005) Buy the CD

Total Time—38:15

Friday, September 07, 2007

64: A Natural Eventuality

No, as a matter of fact, I didn't do a show last weekend. I saw the best Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm show ever at the Birchmere. Then, I vegged out a lot. I'll try and get a bonus show up this weekend to make up for it. There's no shortage of new music to play off the PMN. I just selected random songs off the playlist for tonight's show, and I may do it again tomorrow or Sunday. Enjoy this one, though, while you're waiting for the next one.

Dime No. 64: A Natural Eventuality

1990s "You Made Me Like It" (from Cookies, 2007)
Christopher Dale "Sorry" (from Pick Me Up, 2004) Buy the CD
The Fire Apes "It's Over" (from The Fire Apes EP, 2006) Buy the CD
Spanking Charlene "Red Rolling Papers" (from Dismissed With A Kiss, 2007)
Alamance "Someday" (from Moving On, 2007)
Sucka Brown "Sideways" (from What Elephant?, 2007) Buy the CD
Jackopierce "Vineyard" (from Woman As Salvation, 1992)
Dr. Pants "Doppelganger Rock" (from Gardening In A Tornado, 2006) Buy the CD
Tommy James "Lupe and Joe" (from Hold The Fire, 2007)
Union of Lanterns "Don Quixote" (from Truth (If You Want It), 2007)

Total Time—36:24