In times of difficulty, remember these two things :
1. Your purpose in life is not about scoring good results, strive for "earthly" excellence(fame, money and what not), be the best doctor nor it is about doing as much good deeds as possible to better your relationship with those around you. It is about GOD. If your relationship with Him is right, everything will fall into place.
2. Your life in the world is just temporary before we reunite with Him. Everything in the world will pass. So wat is the point of worshipping or dwell too much about earthly things when you know that these things will only hold during your lifetime in Earth? Isn't it better if we dwell in stuff in the world that will better ourselves in preparation of the eternal life we're gonna have after this?
I know these are not evidence-based. But my testimony of my walk with Him can be of evidence. And all I can say is that it is 100% faith-based. That's how I passed my EOS 5 without breaking down. These are the principles I hold onto everyday. I have to remind myself about these 2 things and life seems so much simpler after that. Clearer mind, clearer objectives in life.