Saturday, February 23, 2008

Orientation M207

Was just randomly looking through some pics today...and then I saw this folder for orientation for M207....wah...I miss those days when I was orientation officer for group 5 (Prick 5) with Pui FUn, Chris, Troy (but he got sick after the first sad...) and the M107s....I really miss those days man...super fun...Group 5 rocks!!!
This group is super sporting, super fun and is da bomb!!! Thank you to all Group 5 members who made this orientation a memorable wan for me!!!

After treasure hunt...All drenched coz it was raining so heavily...

Variety night...George..U're the RAIN man!!!

We got First Prize for the Tong Hua music video performance...I must say it was damn nice and touching...along with the melodius BEAUTIFUL...

After variety night...

GOTHIC appearance by Min, Pui Fun, CHing Li, James and Kajen

GOTHIC night.......where everyone gets to dressed up!!!!

OMG....i miss those moments so much..Can't believe tat time really flies past when u're having fun...
Can't imagine when the time comes to start mugging and studying again...3rd of March Sem 5 starts...sigh...WHY????????

Then after sem 5 I have to part ways with some of my friends SAD..........:( Can't imagine how it'll be like when it's time to send your friends off to PMS....sigh...But absence makes the heart grow fonder...If u do not experience their absence..u'll never know how much they really mean to u...So, I have to begin cherishing every moment we have left together in SEM 5....(though I dunno if I have the time and energy to savour the moments...coz it'll all be channeled to studying...sigh...)

Anywayz, quote of the day for me : A new day, A new hope. I pray for happiness for myself and those around me. No matter how hard the day has been, how much you've struggled....Look ahead, for the dawn of a new day promises a new beginning, another fresh start...Begin clinging onto this hope, it'll never fail you and you'll realize that whatever you've been through isn't so tough after all...tribulations are designed to make us grow stronger and not wither :)

Thoughts from Ah Wen a.k.a. Sunfower

Monday, February 18, 2008


Verses on Trials, Tribulations and Sufferings

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Persevreance must finish its work so that you may be mature, complete, not lacking anything

Jas. 1:2-4

Shalom (peace in Hebrew) : wholeness or well-being around

We have peace of GOD

We have peace with GOD

We need to extend peace of GOD to other people

Thank you God for choosing me, allowing me to open my heart to you and experiencing peace with you and my surroundings. I finally felt at "HOME".

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Cny this year was nothing much....

Besides shopping with Ah Mine (Su-Min) CNY was actually quite boring...haha...

The Saturday before CNY, we went to Fun's house warming @ Kota Damansara...and made havoc in her room...(nolah...just kidnapped tat cut little purple penguin form her room..hehe)
Her house has CCTV...omg...the lightings in her house has a digital controller (with touch pad wan...) and her house is infested with cats and cute :)

P/S : Next time when you visit her house, press the button which says, "PRESS", a surprise awaits you...

Here's wat we did at her bedroom...

Look wat we did to her bed..kakaka..

Su-Min and I..haha...playing on the bed...tsk tsk...:)

Li Yann & I (p/s : Pf, better becareful...if one day that purple penguin gets missing...ngeh ngeh ngeh...)

Min and I again.......with the doggie...

What a weird place to have a group pic...on Pf's bed..muahaha...High school frens..sigh..MISS them...sob sob...

First day of CNY

Li Yann and Min came over to "pai lin"...haha...played mahjong and Min freaking won most of the rounds..omg...This is wat I call beginner's luck...Sigh...

Gong Xi Fa Chai @ me house...

After tat, mahjong...went over to Min's some angpaus for myself and my sister...and off we went to Mrs. Tan's house (her neighbour...whom is a tuition teacher, famous for Modern Maths) to feed her dogs and fishes...And her house got freaking a lot of koi pond outsidelah..then got another huge kolam in her house..then got a number of aquariums here and there...wah..........

The dogs...damn rascal man...must've scratched Min damn a lot...jump here jump there...Even she can't control them...dunno wat will happen if I went out to the dog compound..I'll be crushed!!!!!!

The koi pond in Mrs Tan's house ( tuition is really a big side income...$$$)

February 13 - Outing with Li Yann, Pui Fun and Wen Leong...

HAHA...Couldn't wake up...Woke up only when Li Yann and Wen Leong arrived...had to make them wait while I got ready...paiseh...

Then off we went to visit Pf's new house again....kaka...played bridge and chor tai ti...

Off to 1U after tat...had lunch at Paddington's House of Pancake...yum yum...oh...the pics in Li Yann's new LG touchscreen handphone...will get it from her...Damn Frustrating.....

The first thing I ordered...Forgot the freaking name...After I think 15 minutes of contemplating wat to eat...(The menu is freaking thick...omg)..I was the last person to order some more...Poor Pui Fun, Li Yann and Wen Leong...

Sue Wen : I want (Order #1..forgot the name)...
Waiter : Don't have...sorry...

After another 15 minutes of contemplation....

Sue Wen : I want (Order #2)...
Waiter : Sorry, don't have...(laughs)

I give up man...seriously...only this kinda things happen to me...

After flipping the menu for the umpteenth time...

Waiter : Try this, try this...NICE..........
Sue Wen : OK, OK...this wan...(sighs)


However, it was a scrumptious lunch....and scrumptious bill too...:)

Then we went to watch movie...(wait a minute..did we watch before lunch or after lunch...haha..sudah lupa...) Anywayz...went to watch Kungfu Dunk...Wah liao..those basketballers with long hair from University High...damn yeng.... ngeh ngeh ngeh........

Movie was not bad...but a bit exaggerating (a bit like Shaolin Soccer kinda effects)...

Song by Jay Chou..Tofu Tofu, Kungfu,Kungfu...hehehe...

Credits to Jay Chou...At least this time he had some facial expression, rather cute some more....haha...

Then balik and bermahjong least this Leong didn't freaking win again...but Pf
won with 1 sok as flowers (Cannot blame her 1sok really does look like flowers).....LOL...

February 13 - The night before Su-Min leaves for Aus @ Murni's

After I went back from the 1u, jumped into the bed...slept for like less than 20 mins..then Min called..

Min : Let's go check if the hair salon is open, then go Poh Kong before we go Murni's...

wah...okloh..since it's her last nite matter howl tired I am..must layan her a bit...kaka...

Then we met up with the rest @ Murni's...saw Sharanjeet there too...Wah the last time I saw her was since Secondary School...

Li Yann and l (Savouring the garlic cheese naan after makaning the mi raja...damn nice wei..and then had mango special...)

Me, Poh Yen, Su-Min, Li Yann, Yi Man and Yi Ching aka pigletz....

February 13 (Note that it's the same date as above) - 2nd Supper at DJ mamak

Min say wanna makan this mamak for one last time.......okloh........She misses the teh halia there...

Poh Yen and I comparing the colour of our hands...Her hands damn yellow and orange wei...she claims that it was due to the papayas........

One last pat for Ben...before Min leaves........sigh..........

This year more memorable...spent more time with Min coz she can drive her father's car around...kekeke...and then pergi sana pergi damn alot...she bought damn a lot of shoes man...haha...Damn nice.......Sigh....

Absence does make the heart grow fonder..never really cherished the times we had together back when we were in high school...till she left...haha...:( so sad...

Min and friends forever!!!!!!! Odios, MIN!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beautitudes - Beautiful Attitudes

The Beautitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3-10

When Pastor Daniel said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." It somehow rang a bell in me. Last week Vera asked what is the verse that God have for your life. I had no clue then. But, I think these two verses somehow stood out to me today.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted

It tells me that it is ok to feel sad, dissapointed, dejected, depressed over certain things. There are ups and downs in life, none of us are exempted from that. And to mourn over our losses, mourn over mistakes, mourn over something so natural of every human being. However, to mourn and have nowhere or nobody to turn to is such a helpless situation. It'll only drain energy from you and it'll never be replenished. And you will only continue to dwell into the matter deeper and deeper, enstrangled by the grasps of darkness and gloom. Every road you turn to seems to be a dead end. This was what I encountered in the past.

Now, God has taught me that if I mourn and turn to him at the same time, I will always have find comfort, solace, peace and solutions. I just have to open my heart to him when I am in a dire need for answers to the problems I'm facing. I just have to tell Him, " I've done my best, I'll leave the rest to you." And He really did share the burden for me.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

I feel that it is vital to be humble and timid in everything I do. I always think that I am never 1st in this world, I am always 2nd no matter how good I am. No matter how well I do, I remind myself that there are so many people out there who is better than I am. But sometimes, it is hard to suppress the feeling that, " Wow, I am on top of the world" when I've accomplished something especially if it is something that is hard to come by.

Personally, I realized that whenever I have the least feeling of pride over my achievements, that is when disaster strikes. The balance beam tips over, overconfidence comes in and things will begin to fall apart.That is why I tend to think that everybody else is a bar/rank above me. I believe that it is better to stay at a level which is further away from the brim of the cup rather than to be at the brim and be at brink of spilling/overflowing.

But I don't really know. Sometimes I feel that I have too low a self-esteem. At least, that's what people tell me. That will not get things done. I really don't know whether I am the former or latter. I hope that in time, I will find out.

Anywayz, I think these are the verses that God wants me to embrace, for now. I hope that I will be able to cling onto it and make the best out of it. The road ahead of me will be tough, rocky and winding, but I believe with the grace of God along with the two verses He spoke to me, I will sail through the hard times, because I believe and I know that He is always holding my hands. If I do not let go, I will be led to the correct path. No matter how difficult the road is, I will reach my destination, if I stay by His side. That is His promise to me. And on my part, I will try my best to fulfill my role, as a child of God.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Step Back And Cherish The People Around You... :)

Ah Mine is Back!!!! and Yi Man too!!!! and Shih Ying too!!!!

Today, I went to William's with Su-Min and Poh Yen for dinner. OMG!!! Min paksa me to makan indomie tambah telur mata kerbau, roti scramble (got pineapple and sausages inside wan...haha) and garlic cheese naan...omg...oh yeah, not to mention her driving...omg...was screamiiiiiiiing all the way till we got to Williams..haha...

After that, she made me tapau hotdog from a ramli burger stall in DJ and then milicks (milo plus horlicks) from another mamak in DJ...then we went over to her place to watch enchanted...haha..predictable-fantasy-live happily ever after movie but funny...and enjoying...(the subtitles are so horrible!!!) but nevertheless it's kinda fun to watch if u have company...

SO FUN!!! Stayed till bout 12.30am at her place..and then her mom had to fetch me long never hang out together like this already...miss her so much!!! it's only with her i do this sorta crazy stuff...

was reminiscing the times we used to go mamak hopping (hop from one mamak to another), mall hopping (hop from one shopping mall to another)...all the silly things we used to do together..n then those times when i spend the whole day at her place, she used to make ice blended chocolate+milo for me (my favourite drink!!!!) and then made fried drummets for yummy...sigh...miss those days so much...too bad she has to go back soon...and then i can't spend much time with her some more coz i have rotations!!!! wat the crap???

I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends especially min..we knew each other since standard 1 and had been doing crazy, silly stuff together eversince..haha..feeding ladybugs, ants, picnic in the middle of the school during somebody's bday, having group study, worked together in JUSCO, join choir together, have the same shirts, shopping together for hours and hours, go violin class together (although it's only for a month), me playing with ben and she playing with angel...etc etc...almost 11 years of solid friendship...Where to findlah?? lucky to find such a wonderful confidant, companion and true friend that you know will always be there for you, no matter what happens.. :)

Btw, I asked her to read my blog..and I thought she was always too busy to read my blog...

But to my surprise, when I went to her house today she said she had something for me...she handed me a small paper bag....I was wondering what was inside...since she already gave me my birthday present few days ago, I didn't expect her to give me another gift...

So I was very curious, unwrapping the paperbag with one hand while holding my milicks with the other hand...and I saw...wah... a lovely necklace.....a cross, studded with shimmering looked so simple yet beautiful to my eyes...

She did read my blog after happy...not because of the necklace...but the gesture of her giving the cross to me..haha... i feel so touched at that moment, it meant a lot to me...haha..dunno why also...I think I'm being too emo these days...haha...

Suddenly, reality just hit me and I felt that it is important to step back and take a bigger view of my life and start to appreciate those who are around me.

There are a lot of things I took for granted in life...My friends, my family...

When uni starts, all I care about is just study and study...I never really did care to just send an email to my close friends or help around with my family in house..I guess I have been blinded by my studies...All I wanted to do was to move forward and excel in my studies...

Now, I think that sometimes I should hit the brakes for a moment, take in and appreciate the people around family (esp my mom) and my friends...After all, these are the people who will stick to me through thick and thin, not my studies...

I want my love for other people to grow, not just remain stagnant to my studies...

I hope it's not too late slow down a little and just open my eyes to those around me...However, Sem 5 eos will be in May/June...dunno whether I will be too indulged into my studies as soon as Sem 5 starts...sigh...

Anywayz, thanx Min for always being there for me...and I want to thank my mom too...I have been taking her for granted all these years...suddenly she looked so old and fragile to me... She is not too well now but I hope God will look after her, see through all her difficulties and bless her with good health. The least I could do for her is to pray... and keep an eye on her health.. :)

Min and me - best friends forever!!!

Why I look so big next to her??? Must diet d...haha... :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Leong's 22nd Birthday!!!

After so many wordy posts about myself, I shall now wirte a post filled with photos!!!!

We had a pleasand dinner at Bora Asmara, Kg. Sungai Penchala. Driving there was a rather arduous task. We left at 5.40pm but we reached there at 7.30 pm!!! OMG!!!

Anywayz, the atmosphere there was superb...very romantic...suitable for lovey dovey couples...hehehe...though the food there was rather heavily priced (the food tasted ok oklah)...the band was breathtaking. They played a chinese rendition of the moon represents my heart followed by a birthday song for leong!!! They also played Kenny G's song (Me likey!!!)The members of the band entertained us by dancing as well!!! fun!!!

The place there was filled with cats (hope Zher Lin and Li Shan is reading this) cute and adorable!!!!

Anywayz, we had a great time there!!! Happy 22nd Birthday Leong!!!

Diana & Leong.....

Leong with his birthday cake!!

The band...

My chicken chop...

Kee's fish and chips...

Victor, Beh, Yau and Sree (from left)

Noris berposing...

Lieo Juin berposing...

From left : Naomi, Han Ying, Victor and Yau

Group pic...

From left : Cheng LIng, Victor, Keat Seong and Wen Leong...

MIKE, bunga pun nak makan???

Mike berposing before makaning the flower as seen above...

From left : Zi Yun, me, Diana, Xiao Fen, Cheng Ling;Yau and Jc standing

Kee and Zi Yun..

Omg, so gay!!! Kee, wat u doing to mike???

Zi Yun and I...

From left : Kee Ping, Beh and Mike...

From left : Xiao Fen, Cheng Ling, Jc and Wen Leong

Group Photo...

Okie dokie, time to go...GP posting tmr...still have no idea wat to do during GP posting..Odios!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Literature - Making Medicine Humane

Wow...last week has been a tough, hectic and a testing week....tested my patience, tested my will and most importantly, tested my faith.

Working on a video for literature presentation is certainly a hell lot of a task. Consindering I have nought knowledge about making videos using windows movie maker, I am surprised I can actually come up with these videos (with the help of Thazin and Adilin and the other actors were Xian Yang and Kelvin) :

This is a video about outcasts of the society - ex-convicts and AIDS patients and how people around the world reached out for them.

This is a video with me, Adilin, Kelvin and Xian Yang in it. Xian Yang is the main character. Kelvin and Adilin are the abusive uncle and aunty. This music video is about an outcast (Xian Yang) whom is mute. He is feels that he is always alone in his own world. The bubble around his head signifies that nobody has ever reached out for him and understands his feelings. He removes the bubble when he plays the piano because he believes that he can only express himself through music. The flashback part his about how his uncle and aunty abuses him. There is a few fast forwarded scenes which represents that nobody around him pays attention to what he does and is oblivious to him. After that, there is a scene where he meets someone who is similar to him, acted by me, in the park. The bubble around my head signifies the similarity. However, he broke up with her because he was still haunted by his past. The musical box signifies something illusive, something u can see but not touch. Just like the girl, it was something you can have but not own fully.

The video could've been much better if we had the time to film more stuff....but nevermind, this is the best that we can do.

Behind the scenes - HAHA...damn funny wan....but it's so freaking embarassing to film in the park at 5pm where everyone is looking at you..wearing that bubble some more..haha...and then the fast forward scene...have to stand in the park for 2 minutes while so many people are walking past...thinking's so hilarious!!!

There is 3 other person I owe lots of gratitude to : Pui Fun, Li Shan and Andrew Tan (aka Pui Fun's sifu)

Thank you Li Shan for driving me to Andrew's place to edit the audio clip. Thank you Pui Fun for leading the way and accompanying me. Last but not least, I have to say many thanks to Andrew who did the whole editing of the audio clip for me. It meants a lot to me, seriously. Appreciate your help a lot :)

I did say that this literature presentation tested my faith, didn't I?

I was so stressed up with this video for the past week. Our group didn't have the experties that the other groups have. I for sure haven't made a video before in my entire life. We were at a loss for new ideas, one of my group members was down with food poisoning and we were tested with a thousand and one challenges, omg, there is only so much I can stand. I feel like I was almost falling apart. There were times I felt like crying - worrying whether we could finish our group's presentation, worrying whether what we did was good enough...worries and more worries. Sometimes I ask myself, why am I so stressed up? This is just a freaking literature presentation!!! (Btw, it constitutes 40% of my assessment) But this is who I am. I want to deliver my very best, no matter under what circumstances and how hard it takes.

At that moment, I know that it is not enough only for me to believe in myself. I have to believe in God. I told myself, no matter how hard the road is, I just have to persevere, put in the best I had and lastly leave the rest to God. One important lesson I learnt through this experience is to believe in Him - my Saviour, my God, my Father.

Yesterday was a turmoil for me. After watching the other groups' presentation on the first day of presentation, I felt as if I was shredded into pieces. Our video is due the next day and is only 6 minutes and we haven't even finish editing it. I was drained of ideas and of energy. When the editing was finally finished, the WMM just freaking can't convert it into movie clip. I almost gave up hope. And that freaking audio clip was "tersekat-sekat" halfway. Yesterday in my sleep, I swore that if my video turned out to be fine for the literature presentation, it could only be God's work, his divine intervention.

And guess what? Our video turned out rather nicely, thanks to Adilin who slept at 8am, trying to convert the video parts by parts into movie clips and then combining all the movie clips. Thanks to Andrew who helped me edit the audio clip. Who would think that he would suddenly came to go mamak with Pui Fun and coincidentally went to Adilin's place together with Pui Fun to give me my handphone and then saw that I was struggling to finish editing my video. Thanks to Li Shan who offered to drive me to Andrew's place the next morning to do the audio editing, otherwise I would not have any transport to go there. And thanks to Pui Fun for accompanying me to Andrew's place.

Here are some photos we took during selectives (literature):

My group members, from left : Adilin, Kelvin, Thazin and me standing up

Me brest friends in IMU, from left: Zi Yun, Pui fun, Li Yann, me, and Valene (in green)

Selective : Literature - Making Medicine Humane Batch M1/06

Our celebration in Secret Recipe, Sri Petaling

I testify that this is indeed God's work. I am amazed at how he has helped me in so many ways. He has heard my prayers and definitely answered it. I am so glad that I had made the choice of believing in Him (Refer to my 1st post - I believe) as my saviour and my Lord. I am glad that he reached out for me from the darkness and illuminate my life significantly ever since. I know I can always depend on him in times of tribulation. Pastor Daniel once said that it is through tribulations that faith can stretch and grow. It wasn' significant to me then. Now, it did ring a bell.

And now my heart is crying. Not out of depression or devastation. But out of gratitude. He touched me. I felt it.

Thank you for giving me guidance. Thank you for giving me purpose.Thank you for opening my heart.

Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle