no baby around the house, so mr owl had to model for me. okay, isn't it just too sweet? let's have a round of awwws.
this was a pretty simple pattern that proved to be a quick knit; i would have had it finished up in a weekend if my eyeball-how-to-sew-matching-pairs-of-ears mojo hadn't been totally on vacation. but that's okay. i eked it out somehow and the expectant mother (and dear friend) squealed when she opened it, so i think i can deem it a success!
my headaches seem to be on the wane (*fingers crossed*) so this weekend i decided to risk it and go for a nice long ride on my awesome new bike. have i mentioned my awesome new bike? it was the most fantastic birthday/xmas gift from b and our families.

there's a great bike path down the coast from santa monica to redondo beach, and you're riding next to the sand for most of it. this is the second time i've biked the stretch, intending to stop at manhattan beach. but it's total zen and i just keep on going...

on the way i discovered that yes, it's february, and the cacti are beginning to bloom. this is what makes living out here totally worth the rest of the crazy.