we arrived in london 7 june (oooh! european date formatting!), took the heathrow express into paddington, and walked two blocks to one of the coolest hotels i've ever stayed at. the rooms were definitely new york city hotel room size, but so beautiful designed -
but enough about the hotel because as nice as it was, that's not the fun part. paddington was perfectly situated to explore the rest of the city. and so we did. and with no further adieu,

the prince albert memorial

buckingham palace fountain

the london eye

westminster abbey

camden town canals

kensington gardens

lovey swans

victoria & albert museum

liberty house

fun at the tower of london
for the most part, the weather was wonderful - just a bit of rain here and there. which was lucky, because we were in london during the subway strike. great timing, eh? we did a lot of walking!
i adored the parks, westminster abbey, and the victoria & albert museum, which houses an amazing mechanical tiger, a lovely tea room, and one of the coolest gift shops i've ever seen. the tower of london was less exciting - so much reconstruction! luckily i got my real old castle fill in wales, but more about that later.
oh, right! we went to liberty! we basically walked the floors and pet beautiful things - clothes, fabric, yarn... and all i bought was a pair of travel scissors. because really, do i need more rowan yarn at the same price i can get here? don't worry, there was stash enhancement on this trip - also in wales, a most magical place.
but that's not next. next is greece. next is... tomorrow.