it was supposed to rain today. the sky was supposed to rock with thunder and fat drops of water pound our skylights. i was supposed to huddle under a blanket knitting and drinking tea, listening to
this american life and
cast on. and not do the laundry because our washer is in a shed in back of the house.

so i still knit and listened to podcasts and drank tea but instead of trying to stay warm and cozy under a blanket, i sweat so much i had to take off
my favorite sweater. and felt guilty for not doing the wash.
my knit picks telemark color card arrived during the week:

i still have no idea which color to choose - i've eliminated some of my original choices, but fell in love with a few others. i might just end up going with squirrel heather, a nice grey-beige heather; i should be able to wear it with blank or brown pants, and certainly any shade of denim, without clashing. i'm so used to knitting with dramatic or deep colors - can i handle it?

oooh look! what's this?

aww, it's the
let's be friends award!
puffthemagicrabbit extended this little beaut to me. here's the award descrip: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.” so. sweet.
so now i'm going to share the love and hand out the award to eight more wonderful bloggers:
malaraky, dear friend and the woman who taught me how to knit back in high school. whenever we have the chance to get together (which isn't very often - she's lived around the world and back!) it feels comfortable and just like old times.
beigeberry, who i met when we were both eleven years old and was my saving grace in this odd city until last november, when (smartly) she and her fiance up and moved to philadelphia. girl, i miss you!
-right back at
puffthemagicrabbit, who somewhat recently commented on one of my posts, leading me to check out her blog and become immensely jealous of her life on a fiber farm - angora bunnies, mohair goats... i am in love with her goat named stuff. i want her life. the. end.
fickleknitter, who i've finally now met in person after corresponding via blog comments for years(?). such a talented up-and-coming designer - go check out
pivot. love.
ysolda. 'nuff said.
melissa of knittingschooldropout. so talented, and i wish she'd post more often!
sayllama, a local professional comic artist who had fabulous taste in knitwear and blog names!
-and finally, a non-knitter (as far as i'm aware):
ashley g at kittygenius, an amazing portland artist whose work is slowly covering my walls.
happy saturday!