so i've been knitting a bit.

last weekend i tried to take a break from the minimalist cardigan and start a new project since my KAL-buddy, malaraky, recently moved and started a whole new chapter in her life which is keeping her very busy. that was one of my mistakes last weekend - attempting to split my attention and start a new project. all gauge swatches were just plain bad. i also managed to finish sewing the zipper in my olive branch yoga hoodie - and then realized that it's the wrong type of zipper - a pants zipper - and i can't unzip the hoodie. gahhh! so i apologize, malaraky - i need to knit on this sweater!
this weekend's also been made a bit better because of this:

i love surprise packages! this one's from k, a sort of surrogate sister of mine. my high school had a boarding program, and kids from all over the world ended up in our classes. k was one of them. she actually became part of my family when i was in college; my parents being the cool people they are would intermittently host a boarding student or two during holidays if the kids were unable to go home. my parents and sister loved k so much that she started spending every holiday with them when she couldn't go back to south korea - which tended to be the same time i was home from uni. k's since graduated from an undergrad program, entered the work force, and is now pursuing an advanced degree here in the states. and somehow she timed this package so that it would show up in california the day she'd arrive at my parents' to visit for a couple of days. which means i'm off to call them in a moment and thank her!
this weekend's also better because we finally bought a comfy armchair.

which maeve has claimed as her own.
and next weekend will be even better. i'll be in florida visiting my sister with my mum, and i can't imagine a better weekend trip than one spent with my favorite girls.