a few weeks ago, my long-time pal (and original knitting teacher!)
malaraky asked me if i wanted to do a mini knit-along for stefanie japel's textured tunic, since we both had it in our ravelry queues.

umm, yes please!
i immediately hit up my favorite online yarn stores to see if i could find a deal on something that would get me somewhere near the right gauge. this one's tricky - the yarn called for is a heavy worsted bordering on bulky. lucky for me,
WEBS was having a huge sale on
rowan ryc soft tweed! single ply, pink tweedy goodness? yumm...
of course, the yarn has been sitting in an ups depot 16 miles away for
three days and i'm dying here. i haven't cast on for anything new because i don't want to be distracted when this yarn arrives - goodness knows i don't need another WIP. jemima, well, i'm planning to rip out a major side/sleeve seam and block before finishing, and i just haven't been in the right frame of mind for something so unpleasant; life's been too unpleasant lately. but i did rip snow white so i can cast on the next size up when i'm ready. that's something. and the new yarn's out for delivery today!
while i was at it, i ordered some rowan big wool for this:

could anything be more jennifer ehle in bbc's pride & prejudice? well, maybe if the sleeves weren't so belled. and in my version, the sleeves won't be so belled!
so this weekend while my hands were crazy itching for my new yarn, i had to knit
something. and i recently joined
hat attack!. this is probably one of the most insane ravelry/yahoo groups i've associated myself with, and it's silly fun. basically on feb 9 i'll get an email with the mailing address of my target, along with a hat pattern i need to knit up quick quick quick. i have to finish the hat and get it in the mail to my target before
my hat assassin sends a hat to
me. then i get the info for my target's target, along with their partially-finished hat. see how optimistic i am about this one? anyway, the gauge has been released for the pattern so i've been swatching in preparation - a little head start, if you will...

oh yeah, i'm gonna kick at this thing!