
Thursday, 26 December 2013

Assalammualaikum smua..
wahh lame da waney tak uplod blog..
sebnrya byk da story n job wny buat..
tpi xde masa terluang sgt nk updt..
byk pic2 makeup video wany da ulpod kt youtube..
tpi xsmpt nk in kan kt blog waney nie..
tpi klo nk ngk bole je see at youtube just cri waney doney..
then kt insta facebook bole cri..

waney akn cube cri masa tuk luangkan masa wny kt blog nt..
ni pn laptop wny gh problm lg sush nk uplod apa2,..
sdy2 hahah..apa2 wany akn usahakan tuk updt blog wny..
ok tu sahaja utk harini ni..
follow wny at fb,twitter youtube and instagram..
tq u pd spe2 yg msok kt blog wny..
miss myblog..

Friday, 15 March 2013

Make-up and video from me..

assalammualaikum..wahh lme xupdt blog sbb sibuk buat bnde laem dulu huhuh
ok2..meh cini akk nk citew..
akk da buat satu tutorial video sndiri..
tpi ni tok cobaan akk buat fast gilo video tu..
sbb just tuk testing2 jer..
ok meh akk uplod videonya yew..
ohh lupo video tu da uplod sudah kt youtube..
bole ler ngk2 yer..hihih

ok udah masok gituu video akk hihi..
next photo pulak okey..

ok ini shj..
tggukn next video and photo yup..

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

makeup for wedding..hihi simple jer

lupo satu lg makeup for wedding pd spe2 yg nk simple jer
hihihi..jum2 ngk tpi xbyklah pic yer..

ni jer nmpk simple jer..
color die pink light and dark brown black
ok tq stay for the next pix makeup from me 

makeup oren+dark blue..

assalammualikum hahah..lme udah x uplod 
bpe lme je kn berthun jer..
ok xnk ckp byk tody i nk uplod pix makeup ala2 model gitu 
tpikn disebbkn i berhijb so xnmpk sgt haha..





jum2 ngk.. ni laa rupanya..
sory engak lawa hihi..tq

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Playful Valentines Inspired Makeup Tutorial.

assalammualaikum daku kembali dgn makeup yg dikatakn valentime 
tpi xler i smbut kiki..just makeup2 jer for date..
hihi tpi stil jugk i ngk video tpi xikot sepenuhnya sbb ikot mata.. ni memainkn color pink pekat+cair+unggu+black+grey light!!
moh2 kite ngk video n hasil makeup hakuh hahah..

makeup from Letzmakeup!!
klo korng nk tahu dienye kelopak mata wow besr 
so lain tau dri i..hihi..
so sbb tu i xikot sgt just xikot tuk kelopak mata lah..
color i gne lebh kurng jer..
ngk tau haha..

ni hasil pic dri i..





arr tercabut cikit bulu mata hakuh..
haha xpe2 bole btolkn.. :p


hihih ok mggu ni shj for makeup 
sila tggu next pic and myjob yg akn dtg..

1. photoshoot for prewedding
2. bertunang and photoshoot
 ok tggu tite taw hihih..
smile alwys k
pe2 content me at fb or chat cini pon bole..hihi
if nk no hp PM me k tuk makeup weeding or laen2 k!
k bye2

Monday, 4 February 2013

Radiant Aqua Eye Makeup

Radiant Aqua Eye Makeup

eloo tody i nk tunjukkn makeup aqua..biru2 cair gitu mix gn brown..
hari ini just i makeup kt muka i lar..
ikotkn  nk kt model i tpi tody not going out so just stay at home
and makeup2 haha myhobi klo i free jer lah n klo ada kesemptn nk makeup..
dis makeup very simple and cpt cikit..
so if nk hangout bole lah ni makeup..
ok i akn tunjuk skli video mysifu..
i byk follow makeup from him coz nice and simple..

ok jum see the video

:and my photo:

ok just ini shj tuk hari ini..
tggu next makeup from me..
my the sweet makeup for hari kekasih..
sye xsmbut but sesuailah tuk date kn hihih..
ok bye2..

Monday, 28 January 2013

photoshoot and makeup bersama team syadieheartphotography

hai2 semua sye kembali updet blog..
ari ni xnk cerita pnjg2 just ckp bise photo2 ni 
semasa buat photoshoot..
then 3model yg join agak pnt jugk..
ok jum ngk pic2 nya..

team syadie hihi..
nilah pic2 yg sudah di masokn 
sye masih menunggu tuk pic dri team syadie..
msti cntik.. see the next pic yeah..bye2

testing testing kt mykazen

ola2..hihih now i'm back to continue for my model pulak..
ni kazen i dtg umh then die nk makeup so makeuplah..
hihih smpi tertdo haha..comel je kn haha..
jom negk pic die..hihih..
i makeup ala2 makeup jewel tones tpi xnmpk sgt sbb jenis matanyakn..

sedapnya tito..

bru bgn tdo da smpi tuk pkai lipstik..

yeah smile..

piss hahah..ceria dpt tdo haha

comel haha..
abis lah klo die ngk nie haha..
tq tuk semuanya along..

Friday, 25 January 2013

today makeup just for make-up NYE brown and light pink..

olaa haha..tody i continue for my makeup
tody i namakn makeup ni makeup NYE brown and light pink
 tpi i learn dis makeup from 

LoveLaughAndMakeup's channel

and i will uplod her video
dis makeup very simple yg muda bole makeup like dis and yg berumur pon bole
very2 simple and senang jer..
part for eyeliner plss becaful..
ok jum see the video and my pic..

sory masalah teknikal for dis video..

sye akn cuba masukkn videonya
5photo yg sya telah uplod..
hihih just dis for tody tq..
see y next makeup yup..

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Red, orange, yellow, green cut crease

hye hye hye..i'm back to next mymakeup..
ok let's see today makeup ni sush cikit sbb byk unsur color saya masukkn..
but xper..xley ikot full pe yg sye aja ikot pd mata anda bagaimana..
sush sampi berpoluh2 den haha..
 ok nama makeup ni ialah 
Red, orange, yellow, green cut crease
tpi ada jugak video nya
i akn uplod jugk tungguuu...


seyes ntik gilo color yg die mainkn then kelopak mata die luas..
so die ada space byk..mata saya kecik xluas sgt..
kelopak mata pon xde cm die..haha
cedehnya..xpelah dpt blja jugak..
wlpn same cikit jer haha..
ok jum ngk photo sya pulak..

huhu cm ner bise2 jer kn haha..
hakuh belasah je tudung jenis apa tah haha..
xpa gitu kite buat haja..
ok see u next story morey ehh..
huhu my next pic ok hhaa see yaa..

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

pink+dark purple+black makeup!!

yeah i'm back now i akn uplod new pic makeup from me!!
ahhaha actly i byk buat rujukn color just see the pic at the web site
then i blaja buat sndiri..niat tuk makeup tu brkobar2 xtaulah npe kn haha
ok jum see the pic..
sory kdg2 i syok sndri yeah lahh nk hepikn diri haha..
jom ngk pic yeah2..

sblom tu selain makeup i ada partner photographr nt i uplod yeah..

untuk sebarang pertayaan bole klik link ini ok