Monday, October 27, 2014


Chan and Grayson's relationship is still relatively simple. However, even at this early stage, I can tell they love each other. Chan is constantly on the lookout for Grayson. When he spots him, he watches him like a hawk. He thinks Grayson is hilarious and just smiles at him and will laugh if they catch each other's eye. He loves whenever his big brother gives him any attention. He coos, giggles, and beams the entire time. I always say, "Gray, Channy is looking at you!" and then the two of them have this really cute little love fest that I eat up.

Grayson likes his little brother too. We've caught Grayson climbing into Chan's crib in the morning to read him stories. When he's not poking out his eyes or pushing him over, he's trying to give him "hugs" which look a lot more like body slams to me, but I'll give him credit for the sentiment. The cutest thing is that he asks about him often. If we're not with Chan, he'll ask me where he is. If we ever leave Chan at home with Dad, Grayson is a little agitated. If he hears Chan crying, he will let me know right away. He's also very respectful of when I am feeding Chan because he knows he is very hungry. I love his concern for his brother. 

I can't wait for them to grow up together. It brings happiness to my mama heart to know that I made two little boys who will always have each other - as long as they don't kill each other first :). 

The extremely wonderful (sometimes terrible) two-year-old Grayson!

On July 15, my baby turned 2!?! Time has done that weird thing where it goes by really fast and yet synonymously very slow. In so many ways, I feel like Grayson has always been a part (okay, let's be real, the center) of my life. It's a strange thing to know someone so intimately as you know your children. At least when they're little, you know their every movement, (nearly) every bite that has entered their mouth, and the interpretation of every little twitch, look, or groan. You speak their literal language fluently and you translate for others. You control their schedule, their media intake, and their interaction with the rest of the world. You are their everything, and they are yours. It's really beautiful and sometimes exhausting.

At two years old, Grayson is:
  • A busy busy whirlwind of a boy - he rarely sits still. 
  • Deeply curious - he's a master at taking apart, dumping out, and uncovering any thing that appears slightly mysterious to his little brain. I clean up a lot of stuff. 
  • Extremely vocal - he has a huge vocabulary and we carry on in-depth conversations, some are pretty hilarious. 
  • Smart and sassy - he counts, sings, knows his abc's, and can identify every truck, vehicle, and animal on God's green earth (at least that's how it seems).
  • Sporting a silly sense of humor - he's frankly a goof who tells jokes about doggies wearing diapers and accidentally getting thrown out with the trash. 
  • A love of music - He identifies and can name individual instruments and musicians. He LOVES to listen to music and can play the drums (to a steady beat) and his guitar (his ukulele) plugged in to pedals and amplifiers, of course. His favorite songs are: "Twinkle Twinkle", "Moonshadow", "Sweet Baby James" a.k.a. "the Cowboy Song", and "daddy songs" (all day, every day, repeat).
  • An engineering mind - he can turn on the TV and DVD player by himself (we didn't teach him this by the way) and toast his own bread (I also didn't teach him this). My mom even caught him trying to put gas in her lawnmower (I definitely didn't teach him this!). 
  • Mischievous - all of the qualities above combine to create an independent boy with a great memory and busy brain. He manages to get himself into trouble quite often. We're working on time out and listening.
  • Opinionated - And lest you think he's perfect, let's document that as of late, his new favorite saying is "I not want to!" He can lose it pretty quickly when I don't drive on the right road he wanted me to drive on, when I don't have the right song playing over the radio, or when I tell him to do something he doesn't like which seems to happen about every 10 minutes. He is an expert at prostrating himself on any floor (bathroom floors, supermarket floors, sidewalks, etc...) and throwing a fit just to let me - and everyone else within ear-shot - know that he isn't happy with my choice not to obey his wishes. It's pretty fantastic. 
I am so curious to watch Grayson grow up - he is very special and I know that if we can channel his energy and ideas that he could be unstoppable. I feel privileged to be his mother and am learning to take deep breaths and remember just how much he was wanted and wished for even in those moments of exasperation and terrible-twos. Luckily, it's easy to move past those moments when he gives me hugs, exclaims to the world, "this is my mommy," and tells me "that's really cute," when I try on clothes. Even under that mischievous, spirited little soul is a tender boy and I am so glad he's mine. 

Grayson was well celebrated in July. Here's the proof. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Grayson as of late

Everyone who knows Grayson knows he's a character, through and through. He's extremely bright, extremely entertaining, and extremely busy. He has an immense vocabulary and parrots nearly everything we say, he also has an intense curiosity that drives him to literally never sit still and never stop exploring. He keeps us laughing and hopping. If we're not laughing at or with him, we're chasing him and telling him "no". I sometimes feel bad at how many hundreds of times as day I find my self saying the phrase, "Grayson, no!" but he's a little tornado who needs a watchful eye and some guidance.

I just love my busy boy. He's as handsome as they come and knows how to flirt and charm his way into nearly anything. I think he has a very bright future and I can't wait to watch where he goes. Here are a few photos to give you an idea of our crazy, fun-loving, darling boy. 

His favorite morning activity: sleeping bag, bottle, show, daddy.

The many faces of Grayson...

He loves to read!!

Trucks, trucks, and more trucks on Easter Morning. 

The many faces of Grayson part 2...

Playing your guitar while riding your bike? Why not?

Curious boy.

The many faces of Grayson part 3...


Mom's mascara...

Naked musician.

Horses with Grandpa Jim and Grandma.

The many faces of Grayson part 4...

Handsome boy and new summer do.

Up to no good with best buddy Austin. 

Grayson is an intense napper. 

Wiggle car.

The many faces of Grayson part 5... (like father like son)

Temper tantrum...

Big brother.

The many faces of Grayson part 6...

Blackmail photo...

Two months old!

Chandler is a beautiful baby and oh so sweet. At two months old, he is starting to stir from his newborn slumber and we are getting little glimpses of his personality. Here are a few things about Chandler at 2 months old:

Smiles - in the past week or so, he has started to smile on his own. They aren't little smirks. When he sees, me, Stuart, or Grayson he breaks out into a big cheesy gummy smile and it pretty much just melts our hearts.

Big boy - Chandler is a little cherub. He has the cutest chubby cheeks and kissable rolls all over. At his 2 month appointment, which was actually at 2.5 months, he was 15 pounds and 24.5 inches! 90th percentile for both weight and height.  I just don't make small babies, these are hearty, healthy boys and I love it.

Big, beautiful, blue eyes - Chandler truly has some of the most beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, he has clogged tear ducts so they get goopy and water constantly, but on the upside they are always big and glassy and bright. He also just flashes these looks with those blue eyes that you can't resist. He is so handsome.

First loves - Chandler loves his bath. From day one, he has never cried in his bath. Instead, he just calms right down and soaks it up. He loves to be on the move and we take lots of walks and car rides. He is always happy as long as we are on the move. He loves to be held - especially from the hours of 6 to 10 p.m. He rarely cries throughout the day, but will occasionally get a bit fussy in the evening...unless he is being held. He also loves momma's milk and is a good eater.

We just feel so blessed to have such a beautiful and good natured boy in our family. He has me wrapped around his little finger and I would do anything for this boy of mine. I love my boys with all my heart - I just can't get enough of them.

Those lips!

Glassy, blue eyes. 

Family photo on Chan's blessing day.

Blessing day snooze. 

His namesakes (Great Grandpa Chan and Grandpa Larry).

Grandma Ang and Grandpa Brent.

Mimi and Grandpa Larry

Eyelashes for days.


Documentation of the male-patterned baldness that lasted about
2 weeks before his fuzz started to grow in.

Angel baby. Need I say more?

Chandler's Newborn Photos

Photography by Arash Armin.