Tuesday, April 26, 2011

9 month check up

Kohen's 9 month check up

Aside from Kohen glaring at the doctor, knocking the doctors hands away, GRABBING THE SHOT, getting a shot (poor kid), .... he did ok.

Height- 29 1/2 inches
Weight- 23 lbs (remember at 6 months he was 25 ...so he's lost some)

He's in the 90-95% for height and weight

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tickles and Tackles

(I apologize for the lack of pictures. My laptop won't charge so until I get it fixed I guess these bland posts will have to do.)

Last night Kohen had woken up after being put to bed last night and decided he wasn't going back to bed but was going to keep Mommy company. I have to admit, I LOVE having Kohen around. Stuart is gone most all of the time and so Kohen's oozing personality and curiosity keeps me plenty busy. He is so much fun to say the least! Anyways, I had given up on the idea of getting him back in his crib last night. Partially since he is just so dang cute and cuddly (and because it was way too late). As we were crawling into bed I had this urge to just tickle and kiss and play with him but decided against it since it would only hype him up. Well apparently my little boy had the same idea because the second he got done eating he sits up, and no joke, starts yelling and tackling me. The wrestling match was on! We would laugh and chase each other and trade tickles and tackles. I wish I had it on video. I have to say I'm not surprised our son has loved to wrestle. His mom would always wrestle to fight off her brothers and his dad wrestled for 14 years. It was bound to happen. Unfortunately my little wrestler became even more hyped up and couldn't fall asleep. He tackled me over and over and over. As cute as it was...we are going to save our wrestling matches for day time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mother like ...son Part 2

Unfortunately Kohen seems to have picked up my not so good traits :)

Today's story starts with a little 2 year old girl named Nicole. To make a long story short: Nicole's Grandma told her mom to take a nap. Her mom was worried about having someone else watch her since she knew how crazy busy/curious Nicole was. Nicole's mom hadn't been asleep 5 minutes when she heard a scream. Nicole had snuck in her Great Grandparent's room and managed to open up their nitroglycerin pills and eat them. Poison control was called but Nicole turned out ok [sort of :) ].
Kohen was sitting next to Mommy while she wrapped the vacuum cord up. In that..what?...30 seconds he had grabbed the tube of hydrocortisone cream, unscrewed the cap, and had it smeared all over his face, eye, and in his mouth. Poison control was called. Of course the hydrocortisone cream was a lot less dangerous and apparently totally non fatal.

In my defense I hardly EVER let Kohen out of my sight for more than 5 seconds BUT apparently that is just too long. Lesson learned!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mother like ...son?!

To help you appreciate how funny I think this is let me share with you a story about a little girl who was I think 2 (many years ago.) She was taking a nap (or so the mom thought) when the landlord stopped by and asked the mom where... we'll call her Nicole...was.
"She's taking a nap upstairs," the mom replied.
"Don't get mad but I have something to show you," said the landlord as she led Nicole's mom outside. They looked up to see little Nicole in...that's right IN the window with her face plastered against it waving and talking to all the people at the bus stop below. Of course little Nicole stopped mid-wave and jumped back down into her crib when she realized it was now her mommy below her. (The story goes on ....)

Now let's fast forward 20 somewhat years to a story about an 8 month old boy named Kohen. He was supposed to be taking a nap but when his mom heard a weird noise coming from the bedroom she thought she'd better go check on him. His mom had just moved his crib a tad closer to the window that morning to help center it hoping he wouldn't notice. He noticed. He had pried back the curtains and had his head behind the blinds peeking out the window gabbin away.

He is so my son! My mom and Stuart always hoped I'd have a busy, sneaky, smart, social little thing like me and besides from the little... I see him definitely giving me a run for my money. I'm anxious to see what the future holds as he becomes a toddler since he's still a baby and already is SO full of personality and curiosity. Either way, I LOVE him just the way he is!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Poop Happens

Yep. So I had just changed Kohen's diaper and was letting him air dry for a couple minutes when all of the sudden I hear him grunt. OH NO! Yep. Here comes a slimy trail of poop squirting out. Panicking I stick my hand under and catch it before it hits the ground. Now I know what poop feels like first hand. Nice and fresh. It's all over one of my hands as I try to tackle him and lay him on a blanket that (thank goodness) was laying there. As the wrestling match progresses we now have poop on my hand, his shirt, his arm, my leg, the carpet, the blanket, ... basically everywhere.
The happy ending was that we did eventually get it all cleaned off of us( including the crevices of my ring- like I'm not a germ freak already and have enough things that gross me out haha)
Moral of the story...no more air drying or being nice and letting him be free for even a minute.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Random things that make me happy

So aside from Kohen and Stuart I thought I'd write some other things that make me happy.
A clean house on a sunny day with a fresh scent! Automatic mood lifter!!!
A nice long shower, shaven legs, washed face, and followed my moisterizer.
Dreaming of my dream house.
How I'd would like to decorate it! What car I'd like parked in front of it.
And of course my family to occupy it. I would love to be a wedding planner.
So looking at this kind of stuff and planning it out in my head is oddly entertaining.
(And tortorous)

Animals make me happy. Plain and simple.

For as long as I can remember I've loved nature/scenery. I remember taking road trips and just listening to music and staring out at everything. I feel such peace and happiness when I take time to enjoy the beauty around me.

I LOVE watermelon and could live off of it all summer and be totally content. Unfortunately you don't get too many good ones around these parts (as I found out after buying probably 20 watermelons last summer, hoping to get a good one)

I don't know if it's the bright colors, the ice, or the childhood memories of getting them at the baseball fields. I do love a good snow cone and think that they need a snow shack here in northern ID.

Random. But who isn't tempted by something when it's covered in sprinkles?

My mom's homemade rolls. They ALWAYS go down good!

Bedtime blues

So by looking at these pictures of my cute, sweet, baby boy you probably couldn't tell the FIGHT this kid can give when it comes to going to bed. He is one DETERMINED lil guy (Stuart says he gets that from me) and hates going to bed (my mom says he gets that from me too). I joke but this has been one long on going struggle since he was little. I've tried every trick in the book. Nothing works. So if you have any more advice for babies that don't want to miss out and get 2nd, 3rd, .... 10th winds that keep them hyped up please do share. :) In the mean time enjoy these funny pictures of Kohen being silly.