To help you appreciate how funny I think this is let me share with you a story about a little girl who was I think 2 (many years ago.) She was taking a nap (or so the mom thought) when the landlord stopped by and asked the mom where... we'll call her Nicole...was.
"She's taking a nap upstairs," the mom replied.
"Don't get mad but I have something to show you," said the landlord as she led Nicole's mom outside. They looked up to see little Nicole in...that's right IN the window with her face plastered against it waving and talking to all the people at the bus stop below. Of course little Nicole stopped mid-wave and jumped back down into her crib when she realized it was now her mommy below her. (The story goes on ....)
Now let's fast forward 20 somewhat years to a story about an 8 month old boy named
Kohen. He was supposed to be taking a nap but when his mom heard a weird noise coming from the bedroom she thought she'd better go check on him. His mom had just moved his crib a tad closer to the window that morning to help center it hoping he wouldn't notice. He noticed. He had pried back the curtains and had his head behind the blinds peeking out the window
gabbin away.
He is so my son! My mom and Stuart always hoped I'd have a busy, sneaky, smart, social little thing like me and besides from the little... I see him definitely giving me a run for my money. I'm anxious to see what the future holds as he becomes a toddler since he's still a baby and already is SO full of personality and curiosity. Either way, I LOVE him just the way he is!