Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Big babies

So, I went to see my doctor yesterday. Everything looks good, and he apparently is convinced that these babies are staying in there a long time. Hopefully they will so I can actually experience taking babies home with me for the first time.

Everything is looking really good. Both babies are growing very well and are measuring big. The smaller baby is measuring about 4 lb. 15 oz., and the bigger baby is measuring about 5 lb. 6 oz. If I make it a few more weeks, these are going to be some big boys! We are so glad that they are healthy and growing well. We can even see on ultrasound that they both have some hair. It's a good thing since I have suffered with major acid reflux this pregnancy. (Thank goodness for Prevacid. It is a miracle drug!)

Anway, just thought I'd post an update on the boys. I've already passed the date when the girls were born, so we're doing great. And, in two days I'll be to where I had Abbey. These babies could end up being my longest pregnancy. Wouldn't that be crazy?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The girls

Well, I can't post an update about the unborn babies without a posting about Brooklyn and Hannah as well.

Brooklyn and Hannah are going to preschool again this year. They go 3 days a week for 3 hours each time. It's kind of weird to have them gone so much, and I'm not so sure I like it. To be honest, I kind of like it when they have days off from school. What will I ever do when they go to Kindergarten next year?

They are loving school. At first, Brooklyn would tell me she didn't want to go. When I asked her why, she said it was "Because of the songs." I asked if she liked learning letters, writing, coloring, playing on the playground, and she said, "Yes" to each of these. When I realized that she ONLY didn't like singing time, I just told her she didn't have to sing. However, now she seems to love it. In fact, the girls often come home and sing their preschool songs to me. We love hearing their little voices sing their silly little songs.

They are doing really well in preschool. They are both getting really good at writing all their letters, and they both write their names very well. They can both spell their names well. In fact, the other day we discovered that Brooklyn can tell you how to spell her name backwards without even looking at anything. That's something that most adults would have to really think about in order to do. What a little smarty pants.

Both girls are really happy. They are getting more and more fun all the time. We recently painted their room (well, my mom did) and we got them new big girl beds and new bedspreads. They love their new room.

Hannah recently got glasses. We had noticed that her left eye seemed to wander a bit, so we decided to get her eyes checked out. Well, we are sure glad we did because we found out that not only does she have a little bit of amblyopia (lazy eye), but she has an astigmatism in both eyes and is farsighted. So, we got her some adorable purple glasses. She has been such a great kid about wearing her glasses. Also, because of the amblyopia, she had to wear a patch for 6-8 hours a day for about 6 weeks. Now, she is down to about 1-2 hours a day and things have improved a lot.

The girls are in such a fun stage right now. We can't wait to see what fun we have in store!

33 Weeks and counting...

Well, today I am 33 weeks pregnant with the twin boys. Hooray!! I am hoping to keep them in another 2-3 weeks so they won't have to be in the NICU very long, if at all. I had Hannah and Brooklyn at 33 weeks 3 days, so we're probably getting pretty close. Hopefully the boys can just be a little more patient.

We are all really excited to have two new little baby boys around the house, but I'm also a little nervous. It's been a while since I've had newborns, and I've never had boys, so I don't quite know what to expect. Any advice?

Anyway, just thought I'd update about our progress. The boys are doing great. They are both measuring large for their age. At my appointment about 10 days ago, one baby measured about 4 lb. 1 oz., and the other measured about 4 lb. 14 oz. If I keep them in there a while longer, they'll be HUGE. We're just happy they're so healthy.

So, not too much longer. Now, the real waiting begins....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boy times 2!

So, I'm sure most of you know by now, but for those of you who don't, we are having twins AGAIN!

We couldn't be happier about it. I know, most people probably think we're crazy thinking that having two sets of twins is going to be so much fun. We know it will be hard, but we are up for the task. Hannah and Brooklyn will be almost 5 by the time these twins are born, so they will be good little helpers.

Oh, and according to recent ultrasounds, it looks like we are having two little boys this time. We are thrilled! Twin girls followed by twin boys - it doesn't get much better than that, does it? Oh, and the girls already have their names picked out: Jonas Brother (Hannah's pick) and Baby Bear (Brooklyn's pick). LOL! I hope they won't be totally offended when we don't use those names. (No offense to anyone who has boys named these names.) But, for now, we just let them call them by Jonas Brother and Baby Bear. If they want to call them that after they're born, they can do that, too.

Anywho, just thought we'd share the fun news!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Twin bond

So, it's hard to explain to people just how much of a bond twins really have. Hannah and Brooklyn love being together. They usually want to spend every waking minute together. In fact, if one of them is sleeping, the other one is asking to wake her up. The girls really do play together so well. In fact, sometimes I forget that they may want to play with other kids. Ooops!

I have told people before that when my girls are watching a movie together, they sit RIGHT next to each other. One day, the girls were watching a movie in our room, and we got this great photo op. Here are the results:

Cute, right?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hannah and Brooklyn turn 4!!

Well, it's a couple days late, but,

Happy Birthday, Brooklyn and Hannah!!

Hannah and Brooklyn turned 4 on February 16. It was an exciting day for them, and it felt like a milestone for me. We lost Abbey 11 days before she turned 4. We all had a fun day together. The girls had preschool on their birthday, so I made some cupcakes for their class. I also went over to the school and shared some special things about them with their class and showed some baby pictures of the girls.

After school, I picked them up and drove to SLC to pick up Greg early from work so we could all go "party" together. We took the girls to the Gateway and had lunch at Z Tejas. After lunch, we told them we had a surprise for them. When they asked, we wouldn't tell them, so they were getting way excited. We took them to their first visit to the Build-A-Bear Workshop. They were so happy to be there. Hannah chose a panda bear whom she named Cinderella. Brooklyn chose a bunny and named her Tinkerbell. They loved watching their animals "get big," and had a blast picking out clothes for them. Here are some pictures of their special day. (They were taken on my camera phone, so they're not the best quality, but still cute.)

Hannah and Cinderella

Brooklyn and Tinkerbell

Our sweet girls

We'll be having their birthday party on Saturday, so I'll have more pictures after that. But, overall, I'd have to say that their 4th birthday was a success.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So, I'm a totally lame blogger (Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc)

So, yeah, it's been a while since I've blogged. And, I've probably lost all 4 people who even follow it, so I'm just going to type into cyberspace. :)

This Christmas was GREAT! Hannah and Brooklyn were so much fun! Now that they really "get" the Santa thing, it's a blast. They had a great time going to parties, visiting Santa, opening gifts, and playing with family throughout the holiday season. They got a big new doll house from Santa for Christmas. They love it, although Mommy and Daddy had to take it away for a day just a couple days after Christmas because they were trying to "clean" it with soggy washcloths. Gaah! Because of the possible water damage, I was a little less than happy, so Greg and I took said doll house and put it in the garage in "time out." (And, for the record, the garage is only time out for large toys, not children. ;))

New Year's was really fun as well. We have an awesome group of friends we get together with, and we all got together for New Year's Eve to celebrate. 14 adults and 22 kids later, we were all pooped by the end of the evening. We had a blast playing movie charades (boys vs. girls again), and the kids had a blast watching movies, playing, and making lots of noise.

The holidays were, of course, filled with WAY too much food and WAY too many treats. I think I made Oreo truffles 4 or 5 times. (And, I'm still craving them now.) I love those perfect little confections. And, I LOVE making treats. If I could make it lucrative, I'd do it all the time.

Hannah and Brooklyn are still keeping us on our toes. They are loving preschool and getting smarter and smarter every day. We love all the funny and clever things they come up with. For instance, just the other day, we were leaving from Little Grandma's house, and Brooklyn was throwing a fit and crying because she didn't want to leave. (For those of you who don't know, Little Grandma is Greg's mom and Big Grandma is my mom. The girls came up with this. Hehehehe) Anyway, we were driving in the car, with Brooklyn still screaming, and Hannah starts singing Elton John's "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues." Greg and I busted up. It was absolutely perfect comedic timing. Way to go, Hannah. Another incident happened in sacrament meeting a few Sundays ago. I gave the girls the assignment to draw a picture of Mommy and Daddy to keep them quiet. Brooklyn drew Mommy and Hannah drew Daddy. Then, when it was really quiet, and the sacrament was being passed, Hannah turns to Greg and says in a full voice, "Daddy, this is a picture of you and Mommy. You're mean and Mommy is sad." Oh boy! You should have heard the snickers from our neighbors in the pews in front and behind us. It was awesome! I just love my girls. (Oh, and for the record, Greg and I are perfectly happy. He's really not mean, and I'm really not sad.)

Anyway, that's us right now in a nutshell. I'll try to be a better blogger. Over and out.