Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Packing, Playing & Pictures!

It's a miracle I'm blogging right now with everything going on... or perhaps procrastination! So much left to pack and I'm loosing steam. Good thing my parents come tomorrow!

Recently our basement flooded, thankfully boxes had been moved and everything downstairs was ok... it just stinks now! :( Also, Strider and I have been able to go out! The dates have come in handy with all the stress of moving.

The boys have been such good sports about moving thus far too. They've had several play dates and birthday parties. We are going to miss our DC friends. Here are pictures of Tolman's cast, some friends and family photos our sweet friend Jenny took for us. Nothing like having your son break his leg before family pictures... Glad Tolman could add some character to them. We sure love him and are grateful he gets his cast off on Thursday... especially since he took a dive head first into a kiddie pool at one of the birthday parties we recently attended. He is alright, however the cast is not! Thursday can't come soon enough.

Amidst the recent obstacles and moving- we have been so blessed! So grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who knows us and our needs, as well as to dear friends who lend such loving hands.