Wanted to document that we had a lovely
Thanksgiving with this group!
(Left to Right: Shonna, Lilly, Caleb & Blake; Brian, Jaron, Michelle & Gabbi; Tolman, Strider, Me & Grayson and Nicki & Dustin (their son Conner was born a few days later). This picture was taken the following Sunday when the Princes blessed Jaron. I feel so blessed to live near some of my amazing Hinton cousins.
We are also very blessed to have this little helper in our home!
And little T-man... our wrecker! :)
We're grateful for wonderful friends.
Especially ones that endure Grayson's doctoring!
We sure do love & miss our families, but we're extremely grateful for the bonds that have been strengthened in our own immediate family. I love my boys!
Even amidst his finals, I'm thankful for a husband that spends time with his family.
We're looking forward to the holiday season where we will see more of Strider and be able to travel and spend time with our loved ones! And most importantly, I am grateful for the greatest example of all, that of our Savior Jesus Christ. It's a wonderful time to celebrate not only His birth, but His life and teachings.