Monday, September 28, 2009

Surfing in AZ

2 weeks ago we went to Lake Roosevelt and had a blast! We were introduced to Wake Surfing and loved it. Strider caught on quick!

It may look like I can surf too,
but the following photos hold the real truth...

Regardless-- We enjoyed ourselves.
Thanks Buddy & Sara for a fun weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

G's First Flight

Here is an update from Labor Day Weekend. Grayson had his first flight. He slept both flights-yeah! We flew to Portland for Strider's friend Michael Braunstein's wedding. After the wedding, we went to Seattle to spend a few days with my sister Rachelle and her two girls Brooklyn & Addison. It was such a blast!

Fast Asleep!

Stride & I at the wedding reception. Strider was a Groomsmen.

At the Park

Cousin Time

Bath Buds- Lil' G & Addy

Snoqualmie Falls!

Pike's Market



Feeding the Seagulls

Seattle Temple

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Elder Hinton

My little brother Kevin has been out on his mission for almost 2 weeks now... CRAZY!! He is currently in the Argentina MTC. After a few more weeks in the MTC, he will then head over to his mission, which is Montevideo, Uruguay. Below are a few pictures of us wishing him good-bye at the Airport. Kev asked me to keep up a mission blog for him, so if you are interested in adding it as a link it is: Check it out!!

Lil' G & Elder Hinton

We miss you Elder Hinton... See you in 2 years!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Lil Cowboy

9 Months Old
I love to clap
And dance with Mom

My Dad got me this outfit when he went to Nicaragua this summer.
I've been out of my Mom's tummy for as long as I was in it now!!
My Boots

Aren't I cute?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rick Hinton Reunion

A few weekends ago my family got together and enjoyed a fun weekend at our cabin in Bear Park. We had a circus themed reunion! We enjoyed lots of good food, skits, devotionals, scenery, and games.

Loving camping and the dirt along with it!

Kevion & Stride goin' at it

Addy & Grayson

Strider and I playing in the "Body Boppers" my mom got for the reunion. These were a blast! We all had fun spinning and bopping each other with em on!

Stace & I posing before we performed our annual reunion song.

Grayson in the grass

Our Little Family!