Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Birthday Boy

We got back from Arizona for Christmas and celebrated Tolman's birthday.  He was a VERY excited 3 year old!  He couldn't wait until this day and to celebrate with presents and cake!
He wasn't quite sure about the candles, but he sure was a good sport!  We had showstopper pancakes with sprinkle powder (aka German pancakes with powdered sugar).
 He insisted on having a pirate party, so we had friends over for ice cream and Tolman's favorite- chocolate cake (which Strider made from scratch). Yum!
 He was so happy! He was also grateful and wanted to thank everyone for their gifts. 
 What a joy to be 3!  He tries hard not to say two anymore and says it more like "tree".  We love you T-man!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas, Las Vegas & the New Year!

We celebrated Christmas this year in Arizona.
Boys were excited for Santa.
I was just excited we made it to Arizona!  I drove by myself with the 3 kids.  Thankfully Grayson entertained Bridger.  We drove all day from 4am to 8pm!  It was crazy, but I was alert and grateful to arrive safely.  Strider flew in from DC a week later.
Happy to make it to Grandma's house! Frosting sugar cookies.
Went to the Miller Christmas party where the boys and cousins got new jammies.
Tolman fell in love with Breanne's dog Smelly Ellie at Grandpa Farnsworth's.  She might have been happy to see Tolman leave... as he couldn't leave her alone!
Bridger found his thumb, but sure had a rough go sleeping while in Arizona.
Tolman & Grayson with Stetson.  Grayson got 2 staples after falling of this swing on Christmas Day. My crazy boys!  No surprise there.
The boys with their cousin Natalie on her baptism day.
Bridger hanging with Uncle Kevin and Grandpa Harold.
Christmas morning!

Lots of excitement and smiles!
We had a wonderful time opening gifts and visiting with family.  Just ended it with Grayson's Urgent Care visit.
Other notable events included temple lights, family Christmas parties...
 Hiking with cousins,
 Bottle Rocket Competition!
Amazing Race Date Night
 and Fireworks- Happy New Year!

We found out Strider got his first choice and will be starting his Family Medicine Residency in Las Vegas. We went house hunting while in AZ and look forward to starting the program there this summer.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Birthdays & Beach House

Had a blast celebrating my birthday with friends and family.  They made me feel special!  ...We were lacking some cake numbers this year ;)
Grayson turned 5!  He requested Ebelskivers for breakfast and we went to Chuckie Cheese to celebrate.
Opening presents and Grayson with his PreK teacher Ms. Castillo at their Powwow Thanksgiving celebration.
Bridger!  Can't believe he is 3 months.  Babies grow up way too fast, especially when you're baby #3.
Strider had the week of Thanksgiving off.  We went down to Galveston and rented a beach house for the week with some of our friends.  Such a great idea!  Even though we are in jackets, it really was fun... just a bit cold.
Grayson had a Monster's U birthday celebration with friends while we were there.
Trying to blow out trick candles and devouring yummy cupcakes.
Sea Shell searching.

Running with friends
Robbie, Jared and Strider hanging out. And yes this crazy trio will be graduating from Med School in 6 months!
Thanksgiving was a success and so delicious!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Veteran's Day and the Candy Bomber

Our sweet little friend Maxwell shared his Great Grandpa Halvorsen with us.  He has an amazing history that you can read more about here.
 It was wonderful to meet an amazing man who puts service over self. We were very excited for him to be in the San Antonio area for a candy bombing re-enactment.
 The thought of candy dropping from the sky sure made the boys happy!
 They waited with arms outstretched with their friends.
 The parachutes dropping from the sky was so magical.  I could see how it brought joy to young Berlin children years ago.
 Walking over to get the candy parachutes...
Candy retrieved!
 The boys decided to try dropping parachutes out of the aircraft for themselves.
 The event was held at the Hondo Airport about an hour away.  It was fun for the boys to see and explore some of the planes there.  What a great way to spend the weekend! 
We celebrated Veteran's Day Monday with an assembly at Grayson's school.  Grayson was so glad his dad got to come.  After we went to lunch at Red Robin with friends.  

I am so incredibly grateful that Strider joined the Air Force.  It has deepened my love of country and for those who give their all to serve our country in any way they can.