Common Nighthawk, male. Males have a white throat, white subterminal primary bar on wings and a white band on the tail.
Common Nighthawk, female. Females have a buffy throat, smaller white primary bar and no tail band.
Common Nighthawk, male
Common Nighthawk, female
Common Nighthawk, male
Common Nighthawk, male
Common Nighthawk numbers have been declining in the Northeast so it was very exciting so see so many of them that night.
We also looked last night and saw about 250 nighthawks. This is still peak Common Nighthawk migration time, so get out and look. The best time to see them is at the end of the day from about 5 pm to dark.
Photos were taken with my Canon 1D Mark IV and the 300mm lens plus 1.4 teleconverter.