Saturday, 22 August 2015

Winter Hat Owl, Page 10 is Complete.

Started July 18 and finished August 21.  The colors of this page were so much fun to work with, and to say I was into stitching this page is an understatement.  The only thing that got in my way was work.  Work and copious amounts of it, otherwise I would have had this angry little eye glaring at you all much sooner.

Here's a closeup.

He's adorable, and I absolutely love him!  It was so hard to put him down in order to go to work.  It's times like these I wish I was a kept lady!

Back to Adrift for a page, but it's mostly water, and looks to be a pretty fast stitch, then I can get back to the other glaring eye. 

I think when he's done, it's going to be hard to keep a hold of him. My sister is already making all sorts of noises that he will compliment her wall much better than mine, and to be fair, she has an owl collection that rivals none, and he would make a perfect accompaniment.  But I haven't yet made my mind up. Right now the only decision I'm capable of is deciding if I want a latte or an iced latte. 

Decisions, decisions!

I hope to see you soon with an update on Adrift.

~Rai Rai