torsdag, december 26, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone

Here´s update on what I've been knitting on.
Many socks. Here are some of them:

Many of them became christmas presents

Some Mittens, baby things that also became presents:

But the thing I'm most proud of is this:

It's a Marius sweater made for my niece.

söndag, augusti 18, 2013

Summer 2013 a summary

Here comes a summary of this summer that is going on its end, at lest for me that is.
It's been a wonderful summer here in Sweden. Sunny and warm, not much rain. But the first part of it I didn't see as a I was in Hyden WA. I was there for a month and enjoyed time with my daughter and two grandhildren. Here are some photos from this month:

I came home 12 of July to this beautiful swedish summer. Here are some photos:

Our boat

Sundbyholms guest harbor

On our way to Carl Larssongården and Sundborn

 Carl Larssongården. He was a painter born 1853 and 1919. I love his paintings but what is easy to forget is that his wife Karin also was an artist. That yoy can see in there house. She was a very talented textile artist only acknowledged now a days.

On our way home we drove thru Nora where Maria Lang  put many of here book intrigues. Her hero was supposed to been born i Skoga aka Nora.

One day we  took a tour to Ateljé Norrgården och Ostbiten

Of course knitting to. This is a sweater for my grand child

Lovely evenings on the terass

A tour to Helsinki

A tour to Fagertärn to see the red waterlilies

lördag, juli 20, 2013


Today we drove to Gårdsmejeri Ostbiten and Ateljé Norrgården i Granhammar outside Örebro. It's a wonderful place, both if you love yarn and cheese, but also if you love  crafts in general. But you can just go there and thake a coffee break.

No yarn shopping this time but I bought Jeaba colours, some cheese, a book and some other things.