The library hosted a visit with Santa (although at our house, we know that this is truly Santa’s helper, not the REAL Santa). Cam was busy, so it was just me and my 3 boys. We got there early because I really didn’t want to be waiting in line with 4000 of my closest friends and their hyper kids. Luckily, we were the 3rd family in line. Yippee.
James had no problem visiting with the jolly helper. (For Christmas he wants a Nerf gun).
Austin (who is about as tall as Santa) informed Santa that he would like a two sided light saber. (Hmmm.)
Benjamin was at first captivated by the candy canes. Then he looked up, into the hairy white face of a stranger…
Benjamin was no longer a happy little guy. Doesn’t seem to phase Austin and James at all.
I kinda like this last picture.