Sunday, February 21, 2010

All for one and one for all

A friend is a brother who was once a bother.  ~Author Unknown

I love taking pictures of the three boys together.  I dunno.  It’s just really neat in my mind that they have this awesome brotherhood.  Granted, it isn’t always happy around here, but when they help each other and are kind to on another, it makes me so happy.   They are all such sweet boys individually and together, they are amazing.  My wish as a mother, is that they always stay close and look out for each other.  I would love to have them be best friends all through life.



I recently met an 80 year old woman who spends 4-6 weeks every year, traveling the country with her siblings (all those that are still alive).  I believe it is her, her brother or two and a sister, plus spouse if they are still alive.  It sounds awesome.  They have such a strong bond as siblings, even after all these years.  They have been traveling like this for 14 years.

Maybe that is what I wish for my boys.  Brothers forever.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A little change

Since we moved into the house, the 2 rooms I have yet to paint, are the bathrooms.  I just have had a hard time finding anything I like.  So I found a shower curtain, new rugs, paint, etc (thanks to Marnie and Pops for the dinero for a Christmas gift), I updated the boys bathroom a little.  I would still like to put in new fixtures, flooring, etc, but it is a  little change that makes it look better.




I thought it turned out cute.   And yes, I LOVE the key lime paint!

Some random pictures


He loves dessert!  Nice chocolate goatee.



Benjamin—almost 6 months old and such a cute boy.



Had to call in the army to help with feeding time



Yippeeeeee! The sun is shining! Go outside.  It’s worth the muddy pants and shoes to let the boys air out!  I can’t  wait for for spring!


Christmas Pictures

I’m going to post a ton of pictures from Christmas, because I’m playing the catch up game.  Just enjoy!

Mimi and Papa came over for a little early Christmas.  They came to share dinner with us and let us open Christmas presents from them since we would be in UT for the actually Christmas festivities.


Papa made each of the grand kids the coolest bank.  It is a very nice, wooden box, with the door being one of the old post office box doors (with the old combo locks on it).  Each one has a number on the door, the number matches their birthday date (16, etc.)  So fun to have their own locking bank/safe.



Mimi made James a cuddle quilt.  He loves it.  He just wanted to sit on it the rest of the evening.


There was a love of fun games and presents to open.  The kids got spoiled, and Christmas was still 6 days away!!


Christmas in Utah

A snowball fight.

Note:  Cam doesn’t tone down his fighting tactics even though the enemies were a 5 year old and a 3 year old.

Look at those chunks of snow Cam has.





The grown up boys built a sled ramp off the steps of the deck.  It was just the right size for the kids.  Even the BIG kids!



Look how happy Cam is to be sledding!


James loved it too.

(Phil was the repair guy that would fix the damaged ramp)



Brad’s cool sledding trick.  (Also note Cam in the background spraying water on the ramp to ice it down. It’s getting serious now!)


This picture is great.  It looks like all the sledding pics were taken on some kind of movie set.   (Kylie, Leah, Pops, Marnie, Kim)



Phil, Austin and Brad---looking at Nerf guns.  They all wanted one for Christmas.  You can make them get older, but you cannot make them grow up.


Christmas Day



Christmas morning






Austin, Benjamin, Leah, James




Santa did know that he really wanted a Nerf gun, not a truck!



The crew.



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Brad and Benjamin



Leah loved to give the boys hugs.  James was very happy to oblige and would give her lots and lots of hugs every day!