Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Austin

Happy Birthday Austin! His is 5 now, and I can't believe it. I know it sounds old, but they grow up so dang fast.

We surprised Austin when he woke up with his gift, a new bike. The one he had, his knees were almost hitting the handle bars. He tried to ride through the house all morning while getting ready for school.

Yea! Opening a gift from Marnie and Pops. Birthdays are fun!

The beloved birthday cake. We were having a pirate party so, a treasure chest cake was in order.

Austin had over a few pirate friends for his party. We had a good time. Josie, Austin's cousin, was the only girl, but she hung in there just fine with all the other pirates.
This isn't really a birthday picture but it happened that morning. We were trying to get out the door to preschool, and the boys were running down the driveway. I think James tripped then Austin landed on him. Anywho---it ended in some serious roadrash on James face and a big goose egg on his forehead. When I was getting him changed into pajamas last night, I noticed he also has roadrash on his elbows and knees (he had on long pants and a jacket). Poor kid, hit the pavement pretty hard.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cute pics of the babe!

yea, It's a baby!!! These are the cute ultraSound pics. The bAby has its hands up by its face. Maybe it is sucking its thumB. We are sO excited. now just the long wait until julY!

House for sale

I'm putting this link up for a friend. They have a gorgeous house, an amazing lot and an awesome neighborhood. Believe me, if I had the money, I would buy it. So here is a link to their sale blog. Check it out or pass it on to someone that might be looking to buy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is coming

Spring is pinwheels!! Austin and James had fun all afternoon with them. Who cares if it is still cold outside---pinwheels mean spring is coming!!

Cheese, anyone?

Ok, funny story. I got behind one morning and had to take a shower after my kids were awake. So, I put on a cartoon and jumped in the shower. Shouldn't be a problem, my kids are zombie like in front of the TV. I get out, about 10 minutes had passed. Here comes Austin running into my room "Emergency! Emergency!"
So I follow him to the family room and there is James. Reclined back in the recliner, gnawing on a brick of cheese! He wanted a snack and decided to help himself. He pretty much chewed on every edge of the cheese.

Guess next time it could be worse, maybe I'll try harder to shower before the boys are awake!

a saturday

I asked Cam for my birthday, if he would get and install some cabinets in our little laundry room. So he agreed and a few Saturdays ago, we had some time. So, Cam said he would do the cabinets.

Here he is hanging some of them. The whole process took a little longer than planned because we had to remove the ghetto shelves that were in there. In the process of removing them, discovered that whoever put them in used a TON of drywall screws. Which means to get those out you leave a 1/4 to 1/2 inch hole in the drywall. So then we had to fill the holes. Then decided that if I was ever going to paint in there, I should do it before the cabinets were up. So I painted. Then we finally got to the hanging of the cabinets as seen below.

This is the after pic---doesn't it look great. You would really appreciate it if you had seen a before but I forgot to take one.

Now, while hanging the cabinets, we needed the boys to kinda stay out of the way, so James was playing with some Styrofoam blocks from the packaging of the cabinets.
I was ok with it, it was keeping him busy.

Then Austin decided he wanted to play too. He thought it would be fun to break pieces off and pretend it was snow. Ok, nothing a quick vacuuming can't take care of, right??

HA! They really got into it. There wasn't a piece of Styrofoam left that was bigger than 2 inches. Ok, we had to vacuum for quite a while to get it cleaned up. But hey, sometimes the mess is worth the peace while finishing a project.