Friday, February 20, 2009

Albertsons is at it again

Alberston's is doing their part to stimulate the economy--so I am also doing my part :)
After a little shopping trip today, I spent 29.34 and came home with $137.26 in food. I also have a $10 coupon to use my next time at Albertson's.
I got:
10 fruit snacks/fruit rollups
3 Betty Crocker Muffin mixes
7 boxes of GM cereal
11 cans of Progresso soup
4 Betty Crocker cake mixes
2 Betty Crocker brownie mixes
2 Pillsbury refrig. biscuits
1 Nature Valley Granola bar

Not bad for a beginner. At least we have some "psychological" comfort food to add to our food storage.

This is James, my shopping helper. (I'll use the term "helper" loosely).
He wanted some of my protein shake--he is totally sporting the "Got milk" mustache.
He says he looks like Santa!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cute hooded towels

There is a great giveaway on one of my favorite boutique blogs. They are giving away a cute hooded towel and a gift card to Olive Garden. Go enter--why not. Who doesn't need a free dinner to Olive Garden. And while you are there, check out some of the super cute bows and bracelets. (I would have some but, they boys just don't like wearing them :)
Maybe if the next baby comes in pink, then I will be into the bows!

Good Luck!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Instantly Older

So in a society obsessed with always looking younger, there is one thing that will make you age---instantly.
Cam experienced it last night. Being called to serve in the bishopric of an LDS ward, makes you
We had some major revisions of ward boundaries in Kuna---it ended up effecting something like 7 out of 10 wards and they created 2 brand new wards. Little Kuna, now has 13 wards. Our boundaries were changed so we are part of a different ward now. AND... Cam has been called to be the 2nd counselor in that ward.
So he is old at 29! and I am a bishopric widow.
Crazy life.
Guess I should have known something was up when the first question we got from the Counselor in the stake presidency was "Is your life pretty comfortable right now?" WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?
I think we are in for some growth and learning---but for the better of all of us. I'm excited and nervous to get to know another ward. We do have about a third of our old ward coming with us, so that will help. Now it's kinda like we moved, again---but I don't have to unpack any boxes. Hey, that's not so bad after all :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mom's reminder

"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will--to your surprise--miss them profoundly."

Thomas S. Monson

Where does the time go?? James and Dad (James was 10 months old---now 2 1/2!)

Austin at about 9 month (now almost 5!!)